how big is a v3 tama?


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Active member
Nov 28, 2012
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i just wonder how big tama v3 is im getting it on christmas and im making a box for it

Same as other connection tamas. But I don't have the direct measurements currently.

I have comparasion images on my log. Page 4, post #80.

Tama-go > IDL >connection size > a nano

If you own any of those.

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About 2 1/4 inches tall, and 1 7/8 inches wide.

About 56 cm tall, 48 cm long. i think. Not very good with cm.

And it's about 1/2 inch thick. (15 cm?)

Screen is 1 1/16th inches across both directions. (27 cm?)

I hope that helps. I probably got the cm wrong, but yeah.

^Lol it's 5,7cm tall and 4,7 wide, i think you were counting in millimeters, Midorime ;)

EDIT: I forgot to mention that it's exactly 1,6 cm thick, or add one for the buttons :p

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^Lol it's 5,7cm tall and 4,7 wide, i think you were counting in millimeters, Midorime ;)

EDIT: I forgot to mention that it's exactly 1,6 cm thick, or add one for the buttons :p
Thanks, yeah, I think i was counting MM, sorry! XD;

^Lol it's 5,7cm tall and 4,7 wide, i think you were counting in millimeters, Midorime ;)

EDIT: I forgot to mention that it's exactly 1,6 cm thick, or add one for the buttons :p
That's right, I made a mistake too (in the thick text above)! -_- :p

I meant add one millimeter for the buttons of course, sorry! ^_^

Guys, i think you're measuring the wrong thing becuase a v3 cant be that small !

Can you measure properly please . :lol:

Ah, it is, Kuchipatchi. If you only have larger Tamagotchis such as the iD L and Tama-Go, you may not realize that the connections such as V3 are a lot smaller. ;)

Here, I took a comparison picture of my vintage Tama next to my V3 as well as a quarter and a ruler. :3 And they are the same thickness, so that's why I didn't side a side shot.

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