how can i get a mametchi on my v5?


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tama love 1275

Well-known member
Mar 13, 2009
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alot of tamagotchi owners ask this quistion and others answer by saying good care but its 2 hard to do that so if any one has a suggestion please write it here.thnxx guys and girls.

love TAMA LOVE 1275

In the beginning, they are babies. They're 3 and each one of them is different.

Omututchi, Mimifuwatchi, && Futabatchi

Omututchi= Cheerful Baby

Mimifuwatchi = Smart Baby

Fubatchi = Easy Going Baby

Normally, Mimifuwatchi (if male) Will end up as a Mametchi, if you train it's bond to 80-100% (You can do so by training it at 10:00, 12:00 AM, 2:00, 4:00, && 6:00 PM

Though the two oldest children will end up as the same group (cheerful, smart, or easy going) It's all the training you give.

1st item is to increase smart

2st item is to increase cheerful

3rd item is to increase easy going

Choosing the item will train it to -insert type- and possibly changing it to a different type from what it was in the beginning

Anyways, that's how I got Mametchi

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