how can i get my tama to grow?


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Jan 17, 2007
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i dont want him to die cause i heard about dieing on pause and he isn't growing!

its not that i dont love him but i just dont have time. :)

this should be on help 4 new tama owners and don't pause it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

yer i love mine to but if you have a tamagotchi it teaches you how to look after pets so if you do not have enough time i think there is really no point of having one.

*Moved to Help For New Tamagotchi Pet Owners*

Your tama should not die one pause. I had one of my tamagotchis on pause for approximately three months straight without a difficulty.

I found that I had a problem with getting my tamagotchi to evolve if I had it on pause through and past its bed time. I'm a shift worker and my other life acitivities mean that I am busy at night so my tama is usually pause at its bed time.

Pausing also seems to mess up timing a fair bit. Evolution for my V1 and V2 were very predictable until I started using pause. If you do have to use it then you will have to accept it may take longer for you tam to evolve.

It won't grow nor die when its on pause. Keep it with you at ALL times and it should be fine B)

Hope I helped!


Dosen't matter... It will be the same (without the teacher) however on the v4 you can get Adults at age 2..

Just watch your tamagotchi a lot, and it won't die.

Babies will never child.

Check on child about every 30 minutes.

Check on teen's every 15-30 minutes.

Adults don't really need much care, but check on it often.

This how I kinda take care of my tamagotchi. :wub:

Uh... well all what you have to do is feed it, play games with it, and treat it really well so yea

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