How can I get over this fear?!


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Well-known member
Dec 1, 2006
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<-------That Way------->
Okay, this is based of of another topic I saw, but I have a few fears, and here is my main one...

I am afraid of... Strangers :( :( :(

Okay, normal, maybe... but it's ruining me!

I go outside, and I'm sooooo scared. I'm alone and I freak out. I get off the bus alone and I get scared to run across the STEET to my house!! OMG I have a BIG problem.

I want to live my normal kid life! I need a good childhood to remember when I'm older, not being afraid to step out of my house alone (I know I'm pathetic, right?) How do I get over this? My mom tells me to not be scared and if I know what to do in that situation it should be okay. But I cant do it!

-I feel fine on the internet, I'm smart about what I type, and if something did happen on the internet like a kidnapper then I'd tell my parents A.S.A.P!!

I'm 12, and I need to grow up! How can I do this with this fear fallowing me?! Now I'm not asking you to magicaly get rid of it (I wish...) I'm just asking for some tips...

-Thanks! :p

Tell your parents how freaked out you are and ask them to get you a small protection device like mase or pepper spray. It could make your confidence rise greatly. But make sure if you get it you are extrellemly responsible and careful with it. No getting it out at school or anything and make sure your parents no how responsible you would be or i highly doubt they will get it 4 you.

Don't worry. I'm scared of going outside as well.

Try going with your friends, perhaps that will make you feel less scared. That way you can just talk about things together and maybe forget about it all. If you ask your parents they might be able to drive you to and from school. Also you could try just going on a short walk. If you have a friend who lives just next door or down the road, you could go visit them occasionally. If you live near the park you could walk there too.

Okay, this is based of of another topic I saw, but I have a few fears, and here is my main one...
I am afraid of... Strangers ;) :D :(

Okay, normal, maybe... but it's ruining me!

I go outside, and I'm sooooo scared. I'm alone and I freak out. I get off the bus alone and I get scared to run across the STEET to my house!! OMG I have a BIG problem.

I want to live my normal kid life! I need a good childhood to remember when I'm older, not being afraid to step out of my house alone (I know I'm pathetic, right?) How do I get over this? My mom tells me to not be scared and if I know what to do in that situation it should be okay. But I cant do it!

-I feel fine on the internet, I'm smart about what I type, and if something did happen on the internet like a kidnapper then I'd tell my parents A.S.A.P!!

I'm 12, and I need to grow up! How can I do this with this fear fallowing me?! Now I'm not asking you to magicaly get rid of it (I wish...) I'm just asking for some tips...

-Thanks! :rolleyes:
well I'm afraid you've got the same fear as me. I have sort of recoverd its just if someone left me alone in the car I would FREAK! If you hang around with your friends i'm sure that you will get better.

how about you set up a system where a friend can walk with you when you go places or you mom, sister, brother, dad, whatever, just try and get someone to go with u

Oh, don't worry. It's a common fear. But you shouldn't be letting it take over your whole life. Just go with a group of friends, or if you're really freaked out, have your mom wait for you at the bus stop so you can walk home together. This can take time to overcome, but you'll be fine soon.

ask your parents to get you a cell phone. if you tell them your scared to be alone tey might buy it for you. Well its a greater chance that they will buy it. Just dont be afraid! Just think...there isan angle that alwas watches over you! :wub: :lol: :p

For your Stranger Fear,

Try not to use the internet too much.

Watch the Safe Side DVD. You can buy it by phone.

For your other fear.

Think about friends. They care for you a lot.

And remember, fears don't ruin your life.


A few things...

I do hang out with friends... A LOT! It's nice when they are around.

My Mom doesn't live with me, my parents are devorced and I live with my dad, and my bro.

I have a cell phone

I'm no child, lol, I just have a childish fear(okay that came out wrong, lol!) (and I'm not getting a child(ish) 'safe side' dvd) :) No offence!!

I don't have any other fear...odd... except elevators ROFL!

Hmm, afyer a few days now, I'm okay. I mean I stay home alone a lot, and no problem with that. (I can even babysit) and I relised that where I live, is ONLY a lot of old, sweet retired people, and kids. :D

I'm okay now... well I'm getting way better.


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Try getting an aduld with you and at least try to say "Hello" to someone. :p

Got that? :) <_<

You should bring a mobile with you so if anything happens you will be able to contact someone. Don't worry as it is very rare for these things to happen but stay safe.

Don't ALWAYS expect the worst in, if your walking down the street and a tall teenage boy walks behind you with a big coat on, just think: "Maybe he's just shopping", or if he looks suspiciuos "Maybe I should go inside a store with cameras right about now..."

Or if your in a place without any parents/friends such as Wal-mart, and if you think someone is following you, make sudden and abrupt turns in the isles, and if they continue to follow, go to either the service desk, or leave the store immediately.

Just keep saying 'im not affraid, im not affraid' in your head, and maybe it will work :D

Hope i helped and have a great tama day! :D

maybe you should look around you to see if anyone is near. if they are keep your distance and always have a hand to punch someone if they approach you in a strange manner.

Always bring your mobile whereever you go and try and make sure your with a friend or adult you trust. Its a normal fear and you will grow out of it. Good luck!

this sounds stupid but...................................................................pretend strangers are ghosts. it sounds wierd, but it works.

^^That would make be be even worse scared!

_ _


I am crazily afraid of ghosts and scary stuff. If i watch a scary movie, well, I can't watch a scary movie because I FLIP out. The only thing that wont make me scared is if I am with my cat, Boomer, or another animal, Like ivy.

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