How can I tell if I'm in love (or something)?


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Well-known member
May 8, 2007
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I think I'm in love with the hottest finest boy ever but I'm not even dating him! Since I don't really know what love feels like.... I was wondering if any of you knew?


I'm going to ask Connor (the boy i think im in love with) out tomorrow, zomg I hpe he says yes!!!!



Love makes your stomach tingle. You might stare at him, that is another thing to tell if you are in love

*Advice by the 8 year old*

Love makes your stomach tingle. You might stare at him, that is another thing to tell if you are in love
*Advice by the 8 year old*
Wow, I do both of those things. My stomach does tingle when I see his fine body...omg my stomach is tingling. I think I am in love. It's like that love at first sight thing. I don't even know what he sounds like, but I bet he sounds really cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Here's a word from Chris (me). "I will let you find that out on your own :furawatchi: . How are we suppose to know, different strokes for different folks".

You sound ridiculous. It seems like from my understanding you know nothing about the person.

This was something gross that you don't need to read

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Here's a word from Chris (me). "I will let you find that out on your own :furawatchi: . How are we suppose to know, different strokes for different folks".
You sound ridiculous. It seems like from my understanding you know nothing about the person.
that is what im thinking. only YOU can tell if youre in love..

I'm in love with a boy too, but i dont want to ask him out becuase he has an eye on another girl and I dont want to be told know

I'm in love with a boy too, but i dont want to ask him out becuase he has an eye on another girl and I dont want to be told know
Then don't worry about him.. Find someone else.. *shrugs*

*tamabailey* you hit it right on the nail. Good one.

lolz. Im in love with this girl in my class. Shes a third grader too. Her name is Sommer

How many dating, love topics are you going to make!?

There's really more in life than boyfriends, and girlfriends. Open up for once, you're just 14 or 13..

How many dating, love topics are you going to make!? There's really more in life than boyfriends, and girlfriends. Open up for once, you're just 14 or 13..
Sorry but I'm going to by 'OBSESSED WITH BOY' craze right now! All of a sudden I have been obsessed with boys! I love boys! I wanna french kiss Connor! But I prolly won't yet. I never EVER make the first move in the first kiss.



I know I'm in love with my boyfriend - always have been. I'm really comfortable with him now so I don't get nervous but even when he says 'I love you' or 'You're beautiful' it still makes my tummy tingle :furawatchi: . Your 'love' seems to be based on his look as you always say 'he's the finest', 'I get a tingle when I see his hot body' - There's more to love than apperance.

U'll know because u'll act all weird around them!!!It's freaky!

I like this boy Nick and I don't wanna ask him out because he's goin out with someone named Laveta whom I hate,and he'll tell everyone,he told his best friend Brice D.and I asked him out at the beggining of the school year!The torcher will go on at Diley

I think only you can know for sure, and then others can know from your actions.

Ask some happily married people. Why? Because obviously the love eachother very much- enough to be married and stay together- instead of asking kids who usualy have no idea what they are talking about. ;]

I think I'm in love with the hottest finest boy ever but I'm not even dating him! Since I don't really know what love feels like.... I was wondering if any of you knew? 

I'm going to ask Connor (the boy i think im in love with) out tomorrow, zomg I hpe he says yes!!!!


It's been 2 days!What did he say?

I think only you can know for sure, and then others can know from your actions.
Ask some happily married people. Why? Because obviously the love eachother very much- enough to be married and stay together- instead of asking kids who usualy have no idea what they are talking about. ;]
This is true. Just because you wanna french kiss someone though doesn't mean you're in love with them. You're attracted to him, you crushing on him, you like him, but I think it's going to be a while before LOVE comes into play. It sounds to me more you like his looks over his personality...which is fine...but that's not the big L word :blink:

Oh yeah. Anyways, Connor said no. He is kinda shy though. Ive never even heard him talk.


I asked him out through myspace.... I think maybe thats why he..... oh crap..... I just got a phone call from a number I didn't know... I wrote my cell number on a mouse pad at school....Connor sat at the computer where the # was written down.... maybe it was him...idk, I'll ask him on myspace



There is more to love then appearance.

For example, me. I'm in love with a guy. Not the best looking one, but I love him for his personality. >///< I think he might like me back.

Anyway, just try to get to know this boy, please. -.- It seems as if you're just aiming on the looks(which you are).

There is more to love then appearance.
For example, me. I'm in love with a guy. Not the best looking one, but I love him for his personality. >///< I think he might like me back.

Anyway, just try to get to know this boy, please. -.- It seems as if you're just aiming on the looks(which you are).
So much agreement.

Looks really aren't the only thing. So, basically, don't aim for just looks. I mean, there has to be some physical attraction, but just plain physical attraction is kind of... eh... ._.'

*Walks away trying to find the right word*

... You get my point.

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