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Hmm, It is often said that they evolve faster if you play with it a lot, but I'm not sure if that's true. I'd say just pay attention to it a lot, and play with it a lot. It will eventually evolve, unless it's defective, then you should reset it.

-Kimmy. :D

Nobody actually knows,unless you De-bug it.Just wait for it to grow,you don't want you Tama to grow too fast and die early?Don't you??!!Anyawys if you want it to grow faster take some patiance from your brain bank and use it.How old is it???If you tell us we might help you.Anyways take care of it and do what TwelveOclock said.

Hamburger Patties and Toenail Clippings


a little more information: how old is it, which state, do u pause it...?

On Connections/Connexions there are no secret characters if you don't debug it. But these tamagotchis includes many characters so you won't be that sad about it. :)

You can get some of the interesting secret characters simply by debugging your tama but it is a fairly risky process.

Oyajitchi/Bill is also known as a secret character which I found out for myself so I'm positive it works. All you have to do is to get a female & a male old timer to mate and then when they leave, their babies will evolve into ojitchis/bills instead of eveolving into normal children. :)

-sk8er girl-

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My tama grew 2 days early into an adult and got one that isn't on the charts for V1 or V2 but my last tama was normal. i did call it the same name 2 times in a row but it is probably by chance that you get unheard of charectars (the spelling is dogy)!

if its a v3 u can use the chara-chart linked on the left side of this page

Firstly, your tamagotchi evolves at a certain rate, which is;

Egg: 1 minute

Baby:One hour

Child:24 hours(can vary slightly)

Teenager:72 hours(can vary slightly)


Adult--Oldie- I haven't calculated how long it takes.

Secret characters????

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