How could I persuade my mum..


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Well-known member
Jul 11, 2005
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Guys, well basically, I really want to dye my hair.

But my mother says no. I've tried asking her a few times, but she still says I have to be grown up first.


Do you have any good ideas as to how I could persuade her?

Maybe this sounds wierd but it depends on what color you want to dye it. She's probably very reluctant to let you dye your hair some crazy color, but maybe if it's just a minor change in color, she would let you. So what color were you planning on dying it?

Act grownup.

No, don't be a square. That'snot a grownup anyways. (xD)

But if your not taking on much responsibility etc, maybe that's what she's getting at?

Also, if your asking to dye your hair green or something...I've never heard of a Mom who'd let their kid do that. xD\

Maybe, if all else fails, get some Manic Panic (since that one is a fairly good dye) temp and put it in every day. Satisfies your mom, satisfies you.

I mean, personally, since I want black hair and spiky hair and my Mom wouldn't let me have it, I'm going to be purchasing an L wig. For cosplay, too, but...

Also, if your asking to dye your hair green or something...I've never heard of a Mom who'd let their kid do that. xD\
XD my mom offered to get blue highlights done on me if I wanted to. LOL

Like everyone else said, it depends on the color. And your mom pretty much told you what you need to do to get your hair dyed. Act more grown up, show some responsiblity.

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Mrr. When my mum says no to something I do it any way. Then it can't be helped because it already happened.


Do it behind her back. [/horribleadvice]


I'm content with my hair color.

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Mrr. When my mum says no to something I do it any way. Then it can't be helped because it already happened. 

Do it behind her back. [/horribleadvice]


I'm content with my hair color.
Omygoodness, if I did that, my mom would cut my hair off! Haha.

well, I was in the same problem, but now I'm making an appointment to get my hair dyed!

See, the thing that I did was showed her that it wasn't that bad. We were eating and I saw a girl with the hair I wanted (I have dark hair and I wanted blonde in it) and I told her that's all I wanted to do, and she was like "Hmm...I guess that's not so bad"

I don't know if it'll work for you but it worked for me...

Mrr. When my mum says no to something I do it any way. Then it can't be helped because it already happened. 

Do it behind her back. [/horribleadvice]
Ahahaha. xD I've been considering that, slightly.


o_o I'm still very tempted. I want black hair very, very badly. ;-;

Put then it might put the possible Tokyo trip in a risky zone.

Maybe, if I absolutely have to do it without permission, I'll do a while. XD


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Ooh. I want copper streaks too. I asked my mum a few weeks ago if I could have one yellow streak at the side of my hair to give my dull dark hair some colour, but she said no. B) Not surprise, really. :(

Anyway, if it's just streaks you're asking for, I honestly don't see any problem with it. Maybe your mum is worried that it might affect your hair in some way. What you could do is go to a hair salon and ask someone about it, and confirm to your mum that it won't kill it or whatever.

I suck at advice, sorry B)

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I guess it all really depends on what color. If it was say, a natural color, she might let you, but a color like bright green would probably make her say no. And if that's what she said to a unnatural color, she might know best. I've heard that if you don't have blonde hair but want to die your hair, let's say blue, you'd have to get your hair bleached and it harms your hair.

It depends about colour really.

The first time I dyed my hair, I was only allowed a bit darker or lighter of my colour. Now, I'm allowed to dye it dark brown or black or even blonde if I wanted to. You just need to show her that you will be responsible for your hair if it goes green or any wrong colour.

I'm dying my fringe dark brown today, just to see if it looks alright and if it goes, then maybe the rest of my hair.

I used to have very dark hair...I watched this anime *hint...hint* and it's now gold blond since I highlighted it. Umm...make a deal with your mom. If you ... get enough allowance you can cash it in for highlights...or if you do all your chores without skipping a few... Lolz these are just a few hints. :kuribotchi:

-Temari Nara

It depends about colour really.The first time I dyed my hair, I was only allowed a bit darker or lighter of my colour. Now, I'm allowed to dye it dark brown or black or even blonde if I wanted to. You just need to show her that you will be responsible for your hair if it goes green or any wrong colour.

I'm dying my fringe dark brown today, just to see if it looks alright and if it goes, then maybe the rest of my hair.
My mum wont even let me dye it another shade of brown!

What colour is your actual hair?

Mine was dark blonde, I've just dyed it dark brown and I regret it already.

Me before dying,

Click =]

Me after dying,


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