How crule is this?...


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look closly at the tama its no tama its a difrent type of vpet! :) :angry: :angry: :furawatchi: :)

Everyone please remember that Tamagotchi aren't living or breathing animals so keep the topic friendily if you can. Last Topic like this turned into a huge Falme War.

My Opinion on this matter is that its a little plastic egg with a cute pixel character bobbing around. They do not feel pain, they do not feel real hunger, they are not real. So what if the person smashed his Tamagotchi, its his business. Now if he was going around smashing other people's Tamagotchi you might have a reason to get mad at the video.

I love tamagotchis as much as the nxt person but,Well, my oppinion (witch is always rite! (not) Is this: well, wasting money jsut to smash something. STUPID! smashing a tamagotchi: wasting money and

destroying a toy. one less usefull item. one more useless item that get thrown away.

OH! and THEYRE JUST PIXELS. IF YOU "love" them, thats fine. but syaing "OMG THATS SO CRUEL!" is just stupid! (no offense. just dont do it again. lol) they, after all, are just toys. battery powered, electronic toys. But rmember, I ALSO LIKE TAMAGOTCHIS!

- Peter R.

First of all it is just a plastic TOY. So in my opinion this isn't cruelty, Yes it is destructive, but it isn't cruelty that's for sure!

OMG why r u even on here when you call THAT horrible video awesome?! :)
Its not that bad what makes it bad is that its a video for tama lovers to see You should not call them cruel

1.Is it your tama?

2.How would you feel if you hated a toy and some one hated you and called you cruel?

3.You are judge mental mabey it was broken

4.It is a [SIZE=21pt]5 buck game[/SIZE]

5.It is not your place to call them cruel

So its not cruel now if it was a real animal well thats another story so have fun with your tama


Keep in mind, please, that Tamagotchis are not real, living, breathing things. They're just toys, and therefore, this is not cruelty. Tamas are mere pixels. :)
True,its not cruel.They hate there tamas it doesn't matter.Let them do what they want to do.

Thats a dinky-dino. :D Not a tamagotchi.I didn't find that offensive. :ph34r: Tamagotchis are pixels, and even though I ♥ tamas; I am not offended. :p They simply wasted their money....wait. Dinky-dinos only cost a dollar so....they didn't spend much. xP

XD Agreed

Well to me that is very cruel to the Tama, because I love tamas, but you have to keep in mind that different people have different opinions. :D
No they did it to entertain others. Now providing you don't like tamas and or don't think they have any feelings then I'm sure it's alright for you but to me it was just dumb. Tamas are toys not animals or people and the only thing it is crule to is someones wallet as they made someone fawk out their money for them then to smash it.

That wasn't even a real Tamagotchi. It was a Dinkie Dino, and no, they cannot pronounce "Tamagotchi" right. I personally feel that to a certain degree, Tama's are "alive". But it's all how you look at it. Some people feel they are very alive, others think it's just a screen with a pixel character. I'm somewhere in the middle. And guys like to do stupid things; I hang out with them all the time and they do the dumbest things ever. So I really wouldn't worry about it because it's just a video.

hahaha lolololol i hate dinkie dinos! in fact tamas are really the only virtual pet i like

even though it is kinda mean

Lol Thats funny! :mellow: It wouldve been better if they lit it on fire though :)
There is a video where they do set it on fire. It explodes!

That video was funny!

I seen one where they smashed up Fake tamas that looked real... it was called Smash My Tamagotchi...i think

Oh my gosh thats mean!.

I didn't watch it, but's that sounds pretty awful. It is just a toy, but come on! Smashing it with a hammer? :D Tamagotchis are suppossed to teach you responsibility, not violence. :wub:


-Tamaguy#1 :)



:) :furawatchi: Okay. I agree with some of you and some I dont. Okay that was probably a old tamagotchi of their moms or something and they dicited to smash it. Witch doesnt matter money wise because its probably old and run down. But that is rude! It made me feel uncomfterble. but who cares. They are LOSERS! Oh well. BUT WE SHOULD MAKE A STAND THAT SAYS SAY NO TO TAMAGOTCHI ABUSE!
p.s. they said tamagotchi
i agree, that was horrible! why would anyone want to do something like that? i can't even argue right now, i'm in shock...

Uh, that's not even a Tama you guys. Normally I would be annoyed about the video, but I don't care cause it's some dumb rip-off. A fake Dinky-Dino I think. I didn't watch the whole thing, it was boring. ;)

I like tamagotchis but that's not crule. It's not alive. It's a toy. Oh! And those boys can't even tell a tamagotchi from some other pet.

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