How Did You Find TamaTalk?


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Well-known member
Jan 20, 2007
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I was just wondering, how did everybody find TamaTalk? Why did you choose it?

It would be nice to know if there is a popular source where the members are coming from.

I found TamaTalk on google when I was looking for things for my Tamagotchi.

I was just reading through it, and I thought:

"Hey, this seems like a cool Tamagotchi forum! I will join!"

And that is how I found it.

Now tell us:

How did you find Tamatalk?


Why Did You Pick It?

Thanks, I want to see everybodys responses!

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There are lots of links that lead to in Google.

It seems almost everybody found it from Google!

I found the link to from TamaTown after I finally got my V3 that I was dying for. I looked at the link for Tamagotchi top sites and TamaTalk was the first one, so I clicked on it. For a few weeks in August 2006, I looked around the site and read the logs and stuff. Then finally on September 10, I asked my mom if I could join and she said yes. Mostly at that time I stayed in the Tamagotchi forums but now I'm mostly at non-TT though I still play with my Tamagotchis.

I heard my friend talking about how he went onto google and found help and codes and stuff for his tamagotchi by searching Tamagotchi and clicking "I Feel Lucky" on Google, so I went home and tried it and Tada!

Here I am. lol

I heard my friend talking about how he went onto google and found help and codes and stuff for his tamagotchi by searching Tamagotchi and clicking "I Feel Lucky" on Google, so I went home and tried it and Tada!
Here I am. lol
I guess he was "Lucky" :furawatchi: !

I didn't really know what a forum was exactly and I didn't know if my parents would allow me joining but it kept going up so I joined anyway. So they didn't know but they didn't really care. *shrugs*

I Found out on

I was playing this game for my V3 and then All the sudden this little advertisement on the side of the page said, "The official tamatalk forum" I clicked it and joined. :furawatchi:

I was searching for codes on Google. I thought it would be easier and wanted to see if there was more, so I joined. That was about three years ago.

I was searching for codes on Google. I thought it would be easier and wanted to see if there was more, so I joined. That was about three years ago.
But it says you joined in march this year? o.o'

But it says you joined in march this year? o.o'

[Well, I feel smart. It's only been two years. I love my math skills.]

thank cc317. or something like that, i can never remember the numbers... i doubt she does either XD she never somes on any more. yeah, well she came over to my house one day and logged on, and i thought it was cool, so yeah. i checked it out. and i wanted one. i did'nt even goon for the first month or so... we just used it for tamachat. but them i started lookning around the forums and stuff.

i just realized how much i was going on and on.......

I was looking up tamagotchi V1 care.

I only joined to access other sections. I got addicted. Not as much now but still.

Skippy~Tama. [Well, I feel smart. It's only been two years. I love my math skills.]
[SIZE=7pt]2 months[/SIZE]

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