How did you learn Japanese?


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I can read all hiragana characters ( even I don't know what it's mean ). I bought a book about Japanese vocabulary. I also learn how to read kanji from Animonstar ( if I don't mistaken ), watching anime, learn on the internet, playing Japanese games and also listen to Japanese music and find the meaning.

I go to Japanese classes and Filipino classes and sometimes mandarin. URGHHH... It's so difficult, but I do it! 4 languages is tough. Lol maybe ill be an interpreter one day

I go to Japanese classes and Filipino classes and sometimes mandarin. URGHHH... It's so difficult, but I do it! 4 languages is tough. Lol maybe ill be an interpreter one day
Cool! I'm bilingual Filipino and English - and on the side I'm learning Japanese (Level 4) and French. Yeah it is a headache but learning languages is always fun once you start to get the hang of it :D

I wish we had more language classes here, I just take Latin at the moment.

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I know most of the Hiragana alphabet and am starting on Katakana (I can write my name and my friends' names in both). I'm not even going to think about Kanji yet though, because it looks so difficult.

As for how I learn Japanese, I have half-hour lessons once every week, but I also read a textbook for "homework" and learn 5 Hiragana characters per day. Each day I revise some and learn new ones, as well as looking at various books to see the different styles of writing them. I've only had 3 lessons so far but have been using colour Tamas for years. Unlike the other foreign languages I do, my first words in Japanese were not "hello, I'm Dazzmina". They were "download", "reset" and "game centre". :p

In high school I used to read manga with my hiragana table and dictionary out. It helped me a lot before I took college classes.

I still read manga to study... :p

There are also free language apps for cell phones and tablets available.

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