How did you meet you boyfriend/Girlfriend?


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.:~*Emo Girl*~:.

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Mar 30, 2008
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I am in a relationship right now.We liked each other in 6th grade but we didn't know...As the never-ending 11 months passed I still liked him...He isn't quite hot...but something in him just screamed to my heart...until one day he gave me his cell number....when I looked up he was blushing SO MUCH!! So we traded phone numbers... after a week-or-so we started texting each other because we were both so shy to talk to each other...Then I finally had gut to say..."Who do you like?" After 5 mins my heart started racing...Before I relized I was screaming YES!!! and jumping on my bed...since then it's bee 3 months we've been going out everybody says we are never going to be seperated...

P.S. We are taking it sloooooooow!!!

Im in seventh and Im 13


I, myself, only had a relationship in my past life. Since I was Abraham Lincoln xD

We were at the park and he was making out with someone and I hit her by accident and he said, "Hey babe, wanna ride my train?"

I said, "Meh, Why not?" XDDD Jk, That didnt happen, because I've never been in one! :(


We were at the park and he was making out with someone and I hit her by accident and he said, "Hey babe, wanna ride my train?"
I said, "Meh, Why not?" XDDD Jk, That didnt happen, because I've never been in one! :(


that is hilarious xD

I met my boyfriend in our last year of high school.

It was crush at first sight for both of us. He was pretty shy though so I had to drop lots of hints! That was a year and a half ago. :kuribotchi:


i've known my boyfriend since 5th grade, when i first moved to my current town.

in 5th grade, he never talked to me.. and his girlfriend moved and went to the otehr middle school in our town

and then last year, we were near eachother on the bus.. we started talking, it turns out he liked me last year (6th grade)

and then this year, we talked a lot because we sat next to each other on the bus, in health, and in gym. Our lunch tables were next to eachothers.

I started liking him this year, and so.. we asked each other out at the same timne like, 2 weeks ago now.

me and Austin made up <3

im in 6th grade and yes, i have a girlfriend. we met at our lockers, we are assigned lockers by ABC order. (me and her both have last names that begin with A) So, we have lockers next to each other. One day, she asked me for a peice of gum and then we just started talking and talking and talking and talking and then she gave me her cell # and now we sit together everywhere :rolleyes: we've been boy & girl friend for about 7 months now...

[SIZE=7pt]We go to school together.[/SIZE]

And we went to the movies too.

He kissed me on Valentines day too.

Little edit: I broke up with him today.

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My brother had a friend, this friend took me and 2 of my friends to a 4th of july party back in 2000. I met my husband there (who was my brothers friends brother lol), we hung out the entire time. We went to my brothers friends house after the party and got wasted. My husband spoke of his time in Vietnam and how he lost his arm from a Charlie in a tree who had really good aim and shot his arm off while he was in a submarine at the bottom of the ocean....So yeah, he was wasted. He was 17 at the time, I was 14. He made some comments that are inappropriate for TT, but when I turned him down he just asked if he could pet my arm instead, so we just layed on the floor staring at the ceiling while he petted my arm lol it was really cute. I was dating someone already, and me and my (now) husband would hang out all the time, we liked each other, but never did anything because I was taken. In late Feb 2001 my boyfriend broke up with me for some skank he met, so 2 weeks later I started dating my (now) husband. You saw one, you always say the other, we were always together. I moved in with him shortly thereafter (somewhere between 6 months and a year). We got engaged on July 4th of 2003 (the anniversary of when we first met) and were married in July of 2004 (I do not give the exact date as a security measure lol). We have been together ever since. Our 4 year anniversary is coming up here in a few months, we havent decided where we are going, but we always go on a vacation for our anniversary lol.

We met through our friends.

Nicole knew him for half the year, before I came. But he annoyed her too much, wanting her to hook up with one of his friends (which she later did, and is still with).

She introduced us (online at first, haha...) and we started talking more over email, and a little bit at school. We became good friends, really fast.

Then Shane blurts out in the middle of a conversation with me, "Would you go out with Nick if you had the chance?", and naturally I said I would if he actually really wanted to and thought we could stay together.

He did, and he's really sweet.

Shane and Nicole still bug us about it. ;]

[SIZE=7pt]When I have a Boyfriend, he's mostly from School or I met him through a Friend.[/SIZE]

One time I met a guy at a Dance. We danced and exchanged numbers.

I NEVER meet people online.

(It's like, what if they aren't who you think they are?)

When i first met my bf, i was hanging out with my friend Ben, and he was with EN, (Still don't know how to spell name), soon enough, he noticed me, and i began to hang out with both Ben and EN. Then i relised that i had another friend. But one day, after lunch, he whispered something into ben's ear, and i asked what he whisperd without even thinking about it, and he said that EN had a crush on me. Then i felt that, well, shocted of what i heard!!! The next day, EN gave me a note and Ben really was telling the truth!! EN ran outside and awhile later, i joined him outside, he asked if we could be Bf and gf and i said yes. Then my dad told me what love ment; "That you wanna be with them forever," I relised i felt that way. The only proublem was that i just had the feeling that Ben felt like that for me too, just was too shy. I was real worried that he might get jelous of us...I still wonder...

This hapend in like 2 weeks, lol...

When I was two or three, my mother and I was going for a new years party. So generally, we went. And I met a young boy. (He's spanish.) He was 4 or 5, two years older than me. We played and became good little friends, and I learned that he was a newborn baby. Born exactly at Midnight, and my birthday is the sixth of Janurary. So we decided to stay for a week at their house and have one big birthday bash.

Our families got to know eachother quite well. In fact, they started relying on eachother for alot of things. So we grew up together.

A year ago, at one of those weeks where we do one big party, which we still do, he dragged me outside to the old treehouse. He was all:

"Uh... Zo. I really feel good around you, like you know... I love you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you... really."

And I felt the same way. I replied and then hugged him. Then we kissed. (My first kiss. >w<)

And we've been together for a whole year. I'm sure we really will be for the rest of our lives, anyways. Our families will never seperate, and I know that for sure.

Aww ^^ Cute!

I don't have a boyfriend just now, but I can tell you where I first met my crush. :p

I met him when I went to my new school's cricket training for the first time. He was the stand-out of the team (well, I think so anyway ;) )

That was 2 years ago, and since then we have got really close, like really close friends. We were helping eachother with out B.E.E.P. exam, like exhanging answers and stuff. It is really great.

All my friends say he likes me, even some people I don't know that well. I've even been told he likes me by his friends, his brother, and his brother's friends. OMG :hitodetchi:

In 3rd grade this guy that was sitting next to me, during a movie at daycare he was sitting next to me and i felt something warm on my back and i kept looking over at him and he was blushing at me. Im like do you like me or something because you keep rubing my back. (he was in 2nd grade at the time) he said it wasn't me and then i was like do you want to go out and he said yes and later we were outside and we went to a great hiding spot that no one went to. and he started it again. and he said let's run away and i said i can't cause there is my mom and we almost kissed then my mom started yelling for me. then i had to go. I moved in 2003 and never got to say goodbye and i never got his phone number. and now it's been 3 years

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