How did your Valentines Day go?


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Well-known member
Aug 21, 2006
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Right around the corner
So, it's Valentines Day, love is in the air for some of us, others not so much.

Get a lot of treats? Told someone you loved them?

Today was pretty good, except seeing my Bff and my crush dance together sucked hardcore. I gave my mom & bff huge Valentines cards, and gave out candy.

How did your day go?

Meh. It was pretty much any other day. But on MSN this really annoying kid in my class was like "Wanna hang out? *insert smiley face here*" And I was like "Nah." Then he said "I bid you adoue." and I was like "WTF? What does adoue mean?" Then he signed off o_O Kinda creepy, becuase my friends think he likes me.

EDIT: If you know what adoue means, please tell me xD

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[SIZE=14pt]I had quite an enjoyable day! [/SIZE] :D ~♥

I got my first flower ever for valentines day. I got some valentines cards,

and I had fun with my friends! Everything seemed so red and happy today!

[SIZE=14pt]Except for right now...D:~ Since I haven't talked to the most important person on Valentines day...[/SIZE]

My boyfriend...): Grroar~ I called him up but his rude step-mother had to answer and tell me he wasn't

home. >.> Grrrr~ I dislike her...


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Well let's see...I've had 3 sugar highs...and counting. But that was not the best part. We had the best rehearsal yet, and next week we go into TECH!!! Aww yeah.

But....the rest of it was like "Pooooofffff...."

Just like any other day.

Didn't go to school, so I didn't get anything. I got a card from my sister and a call from my dad, and that's really all.

I hate Valentine's day, so it's just like any other day to me. Always has been.

boring. lol. The fire alarm went off in our school because it wasn't working right so we freezed our butts off outside for half and hour when it's like 30 degrees outside. That's pretty cold I mean give me a break...there was snow on the ground.

Yeah that was basically my Valentines Day, but my dad gave my mom, my sister, and me a balloon and flowers. :]

At AnimeGirl:

Adieu or however you spell it means good bye / farewell so the phrase I bid you adieu means Good-Bye except said all fancily. lol

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well my sister and my mom were sick and my BFF has the flu and her birthday was yesterday

I get lots 'o candy.

Lol, my crush was nice and junk today. He didn't ask anyone out so far. (I'm too embarrased to ask.) He was being funny like usual. I guess today was nothing out of the ordinary. xD

Not as bad as I thought. Alot of my friend's GFs weren't at school, so they were lovesick. I haven't gotten alot of sleep for the past 3 days, so it was pretty tiring.Alot of candy and crappy store-bought valentines were handed out. We also watched a crappy movie. On the plus side, we did'nt get any homework. It was freezing,and my friends that are girls were surprisingly nice today. Overall, not that bad, but reeked heavilly of romance.

a guy (not my crush, but cute in spite his buck teeth)gave me really expensive chololates in a bright red heart-shaped box, but on the "To, From" line, he spelled my name wrong!


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