how do fish get pregnant


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Active member
Jul 16, 2008
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can you help me i have 2 fish and the pet shop told me its a

girl and a boy so how can they have babys :ichigotchi:

thank you from tamafan11 :hitodetchi:

Depends on what kind of fish they are.

There are web sites that will give you the information on how to set up the tank to make the best chance of them breeding.

Buy a book about your species of fish and read all about them.

Use Google to find a useful web site that will give you this information - here, you can try this link as a start:

You can't force them.

And what type of fish do you have, may I ask?

For guppies, mollies, and platys, and the like, just keep them together. All others need some work (for example, for danios, you need to vaccum the eggs and hatchlings out in your water change)

Well Children, When a Male and Female fish love each other very much...

I wouldn't really know. But you could try going to wikipedia, or Yahoo Answers.

And Best of luck to your Fishies. I hope they have adorable little Fishie Babies. <3

Actually, there's a better-than-not chance that either your fish CAN'T become pregnant and lays eggs, or is impossible to breed in captivity. You never know. Unless you know the species and do tons of research.

Uhm not sure it depends the species of fish ^^ I would have said something else but I don't wanna get banned kukuku~!

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Well, I could tell you how you could find out how to make them breed, or I could tell you how they breed (which I don't know, I just thought it was like frogs... which I now found isn't entirely correct). Basically, Google is your friend.

It depends what type of fish, like Goldfish can't breed since they're hybrids (I'm getting this from Yahoo Answers so it may not be accurate). There's two ways fish breed, egglaying or livebearing, abnd it depends on what kind of fish and conditions. Egglaying is where the female fish releases the eggs and fertilises them, and livebearing... well that's obvious.

That's not much information, just a bit of information so you know the kind of thing to search for. I put your question into Google and clicked the first link, it had some useful information, I think.

Actually, there's a better-than-not chance that either your fish CAN'T become pregnant and lays eggs, or is impossible to breed in captivity. You never know. Unless you know the species and do tons of research.
i agree

the fishies CAN NOT get pregnant, they lay eggs

*gives a prize to hypergotchi*

they must have a big space for their babies. or sometimes they EAT the eggs or the babies :eek: OMG

my guppies had about 13 babies... happy aqua family! (^o^)


not entirely sure.... but make sure you separate the babies from the parents once they hatch because big fish eat little fish.

That, once again, depends on the species. Most species of Betta are mouthbrooders, and all other Gouramis (including the remaining bettas) make bubble nests, both of which are way to protect fry. Cichlids will also protect their fry, or at least some of them.

But, if the store told you they were male and female, I'd buy another female, as they're probably livebearers, so just put them together. Females can get stressed out by too many males, so get double the females than males.

Also, has the original poster even been on since this topic was started?

;.;LEEWhit;.;, goldfish can breed, but they need a pretty big tank because they need to grow to at least a foot (which can be prevented in a small tank) and you'll need a male and a female.

So it's probably a guppy or something.

;.;LEEWhit;.;, goldfish can breed, but they need a pretty big tank because they need to grow to at least a foot (which can be prevented in a small tank) and you'll need a male and a female.
I just put what Yahoo answers said (as I stated in my post >_>), not that it was true. And I think Yahoo Answers means the tiny fish you get from the fairground, although they might be able to breed... no idea.

Meh, I don't know. No matter what, it's incredibly difficult.

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