How do I explain this one?


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Well-known member
Mar 8, 2007
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Christchurch New Zealand
How do I tell my mum that I killed her very very expensive and very favourite serving dishes with out being killed myself?

All I wanted was to get the nachos to go with my cheese and chilli beans. And I can see my mum killing me even more since it was for food.

I want to live to see the sun in the sky because i'm never awake when it rises and I also want her to forgive me.

Any good butt-saving lies you guys got because the truth ain't gonna cut it.


-Your soon to be dead in a shallow grave friend Michelle.

Well, I've never been in that situation before. But If it were me, I'd tell her that I felt a little queasy, or light-headed. That I "Almost Fainted" and never realized I killed the dishes.

Hm, I'd just say I wacked it by accident and it fell. Yesh, bad lie, but it works on MY mum.

OR, you could say that it fell by accident and you didnt do it. Ya know, things do fall by themselves sometimes.


Well... you know I'm a mum, so I'll suggest something that might (partially) work - at least make the punishment less harsh... like, she won't kill you - just seriously maim you for life ... ;) (jk) :angry:

Get your "tears of remorse" going - and make sure it's good and convincing (ask your sister to coach you if necessary).

Go in and take her arm and say (tearfully), "I need to talk with you about something... it's really important and terrible and I just don't know how to tell you... please will you come and sit down..?"

That (combined with your tears of remorse) will hopefully suggest that it is something very serious and something you are deeply concerned about.

Then come out with the truth. Tell her you opened the cupboard and her beautiful serving dishes fell out and broke (keep the tears coming) and you feel terrible because she loves them so much and you are so sorry. Tell her it was a totally clumsy accident and you would do anything to make up for breaking her favorite china and making her sad.

But you have to accept that you might be asked to pay for them to be replaced (you might even want to offer your savings towards paying for the replacement) or you might be grounded for life (even buried...) :D

One other thing - whatever you do, don't try to cover it up and pretend it wasn't you and don't lie about it.

Because unless you have an uncontrolled possum problem or a clumsy cat you can blame, most mums can see through lies from their daughters really easily (don't be fooled by the fact that your mum might not have called you out on previous lies you think you got away with).

Good Luck ;)

The truth shall set you free. Never forget that.

I would rather hear the horrible truth than a stupid lie.

As always, TamaMum gave great advice. We know when we are being lied to. As much as it seems best to tell a lie, tell the truth. It will be best in the end and it earns respect as well. ;)

Good luck. :angry:

Mums hate being lied to D; You're more likely to be killed covering it up than if you just come out with it.

Accidents happen right?

Just tell her it was an accident. I drop things all of the time xD

My Mum is very used to me doing this kind of thing. If my brother was an only child I swear we would have double as much delicate things in our house. I've been described as a Hurricane before, by my unfortunate friend who invited me round for a sleepover. xDD Just kidding, it was a lot of fun. Stuff breaks, eh?? Especially when I'm around it. <3

Anyway, I'd just tell your Mum what happened. But maybe act like it wasn't your fault. If I were you, I'd tell her that I was standing in the kitchen being a very good little girl when suddenly a mad ape man swung through the ceiling and said, "IF YOU DON'T LET ME BREAK YOUR MOM'S BEST SERVING DISHES, I WILL NOT FIX YOUR CEILING AGAIN." So you let him smash them all up and made him pay for the ceiling costs, so that the rain wouldn't fall through an open ceiling and give the whole family colds. So technically, you were putting the safety of the family first and doing the right and courageous thing. Ta-da!! The perfect excuse. <3

Well, My first choice is to blame it on my sister. But, that doesn't always work out. If it doesn't, then I go to plan B. Deny it to no end. Mom: Phoebe, did you break the ceiling fan?

Me: Nah.

Mom: I think you did.

Me: Exactly what proof do you have of this?

Mom: No one is home but you or me, and I saw you run out of there just a minute ago.

Me: I have no idea what your talking about it.

Mom: Phoebe, when your dad gets home, we're going to talk about this.

Me: Excuse me, but I don't believe you have enough evidence to convict me of any crime.

Mom: I'm your mother. I don't need evidence. You do as I say.

Me: You are a communist. I'm calling the police.

Mom: Be quiet! You are not calling the police, and you are in a lot of trouble.


Mom: You are a minor. You have no rights.


Mom: Clean it up, NOW.


And it just goes on, and on, until she gets tired of it and she decides it's easier to just forget about it. Plan C is to cry and rant about how I'm hurting the people I love and I'm going to kill myself before it's too late. If I make enough of a scene they just forget what I did and try to get me to shut up. But, I wouldn't recommend it to anyone that isn't me. xDD

Uhh, I'm not cool so I can't suggest some funny lie. xD

Err, the truth? Tell it. Make it sound like you're REAL sorry.


Um, yeah.

you cook her up something nice when she comes home, to show her how sorry you are.

And you cut yourself visibly (maybe just a long scrape across the neck or something) to show her that you were badly hurt. Like maybe take a pair of scissors and just scrape down a part of your body.. (I know it sounds weird, but it's worth it, it doesn't really hurt) that's how I got my babysitter fired xD :p

Just make sure it LOOKS pretty bad. Then tell her that you were making her something nice when suddenly it broke.

Thankies. I was violently woken at 5am today and was yelled at so bad.

I was all like 'What time is it?' and shes all like 'RAWR'

Then i'm all like. It was Jordan. She did it. And mums all like 'Jordans honest. She would have told me!' And i'm all like 'I hate those honest ones!'

Then shes like TELL MEH THE TRUTH.

So I pretty much asked for coffee. After 3 coffees and a marshmallow or two I told her the truth.

"I was trying to get the nachos to go with my dinner. YOU TOLD ME TO HAVE NACHOS! You did this!!!! And then I got them and the dishes just jumped out and one survived then another one fell out and landed on it and smashed it everywhere and therefore the only unsucessful suicide of the day is the glass dish you planned to dispose of since is U-G-L-Y. Things like to commit suicide around me. Like what happened to my laptop and...."

Mum butts in "YOU KILLED YOUR LAPTOP???????"

"No it committed suicide"

"RAWRRRRR" and then I ran for my life.

But I hit my laptop in anger and it works again so i'm safe with that one. I'll just buy her something nice when I have money next. I had to buy new glasses and those ain't cheap!

And TamaMum suggested tears. That would make mum know I was faking. I never cry. Not even when the hanging basket made my head bleed.

Now I have explained to my mother this may be closed. Thankies advicy givers.

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