How do I fill Happy Hearts?


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Feb 26, 2006
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how do i turn off the tamagochi and how do i raise my happiness bar thingy????? :D

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you cant turn it off you can pause it and give it snacks and play with it games 2 make it happier

to pause it you hold down the A button (the one on the left side of your tama) and then press the B button (the middle button) while you are holding down the A button, and you do the same thing when you want to unpause it.

Pausing it will slow down it's growth though.

i need help to my tamagotchi has been sleeping for hours is this normal and will he wake up soon

This can be caused by a couple of things:

-You set the clock wrong

Push the B (middle) button, then when you get to the time screen press A (left) and C (right) at the same time. Then where the little hearts were counting the seconds before it now says "set".

Using the A button you can change what is flashing and using B you confirm that which you set. When the time is set right, press B again and "set" disappears.

-Your tama is taking a nap

But this is not usually for hours, mostly for an hour max

-Your Tama is asleep

Most Tama's fall asleep at around 20.00 or 21.00 and wake up again at 08.00 or 09.00

my tamagotchi v3 when ever i type a password it always says error how do i fix this

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umm i dont own a version 3 they come out in the middle of the year

u cant turn off a tama and to fill happy feed it a snack or treat and to fill hungry feed it a meal

There is absolutely no way to turn off your tamagotchi. You have to hold down button a and b at the same time and it will pause your tamagotchi. To fill your happy hearts, give your tamagotchi snacks or play games.

ok but, were is my username located on my tamagotchi so ican type passwords on the online game? :furawatchi:

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ok on the happy meater go right to the end it will say username :furawatchi: :(

you may not be able to turn you tamagotchi off yet if you wish to not play with it you may pause it by useing the buttens (A,B ) at the same time. And it will pause. But to fill it's happy hearts you can play games and get a good score and you can also feed it snacks (but it will gang 2 pounds) To fill it's hungry hearts you feed it a meal for each heart.

hope I helped! :furawatchi:

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go to the shop but stay at the the shopkeeper on a v3. press A 3 times and the shopkeeper will look surprised. enter your code and you should be brought to a screen with an item that you can buy. (hope this answers the letter code question :wacko: )

U can give it snacks 2 make it happy or u can play a lot of games.To turn it off you pauseit my pushing the 1st and 2nd buttons down at the same time

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