How do i get a mametchi on a tamagotch ms


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snappy c g

Well-known member
Jun 3, 2009
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i have a tamagotchi music star and i have a baby it is paused and i was wondering how can i get a mametchi on a music star like do i need to play games or eat certain foods i have a baby boy any help any at all will be greatly appreaciated!!! PLZ i need HELP!!!!!!! thanks in advance for anyone who helps!! :( :huh: :rolleyes:

I got him I didnt give it anything special all I know is that you have to give him perfect care and it has to be a odd generation. sorry thats all I know Ill post if I get any info hope I helped.

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I got him I didnt give it anything special all I know is that you have to give him perfect care and it has to be a odd generation. sorry thats all I know Ill post if I get any info hope I helped.
Oh thank you thank you THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this helped alot now i kno just perfect care and i am on my 13th gen that is odd so i can get him YAYAYAYAYAYA Once again THANK YOU!!!!!

There is how you get Mametchi. Mametchi is a PERFECT care Tamagotchi, but it isn't that hard to get perfect care. :eek:

1. When you're Tamagotchi is a Teen, boy. You have to give it 4 happiness, and Hungry heart all the time. :angry:

2. You have to make you're Tamagotchi go to the toilet ONCE ot more. Even if he poops, LOL, You still have to clean it up as fast as you can! :huh:

3. Play with you're Tamagotchi sometimes, in games or in it's band! :lol:

Tip: If you don't want to care for you're Tamagotchi sometimes, put you're Tamagotchi on it's sleep time. Then it's easier to get PERFECT care that way! But you have to let it go to the toilet or poop. If you don't, it will get a lower care. :(

There is how you get Mametchi. Mametchi is a PERFECT care Tamagotchi, but it isn't that hard to get perfect care. ^_^
1. When you're Tamagotchi is a Teen, boy. You have to give it 4 happiness, and Hungry heart all the time. :ichigotchi:

2. You have to make you're Tamagotchi go to the toilet ONCE ot more. Even if he poops, LOL, You still have to clean it up as fast as you can! :mellow:

3. Play with you're Tamagotchi sometimes, in games or in it's band! :lol:

Tip: If you don't want to care for you're Tamagotchi sometimes, put you're Tamagotchi on it's sleep time. Then it's easier to get PERFECT care that way! But you have to let it go to the toilet or poop. If you don't, it will get a lower care. :(
Omg realy?!?!?! Thanks for the help Thanks for the help tama star girl and tamatamatamagotchiyay for all for the help!!! THANK YOU!!! any more help is greatly appreiaciated thanks!!! :blink: :blink:

Music star's arnt that hard to get perfect care characters , i have gotten them twice and i deliberatly tryed not to get one the second time,

Basically, just make sure you keep its hearts up, clean poo, play games have 500/500/500 in skills or more ATLEAST, cure sickness and make sure your a boy on an odd generation thats the only way you can get mametchi

Personally, I used to get them all the time on mah v3s. But I dunno how to get them really. Good luck tho.

One more quiston what should the adult and child be i have roribotchi right now and i dont know how i have him because he never dropped a heart and he only pooped once what the heck i thought roribotchi was a bad character so what should the teenager tama be to evolve into an mametchi please help!

i had a mametchi on my tama and i didn't take exactly PERFECT care of it. Just try your best and good luck. i have had all of the perfect care tamas without meaning to so maybe you'll get one but maybe you won't.

P.S. can you answer my last post? :lol:

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this a question not an answer but can some one please tell me how to get a kuchipachi? please? any information i can provide you is that my tama music star is a girl and on 6 generation. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
well if it is not an answer then can you please post another topic about it and i dont know how any web search about how to get tamas just gives you a bunch of stupid things!!! sorry i cant help.... :(

It might not work on MS, but clean up any poo quick, make sure the hearts are ALWAYS full, and play alot. Thats it. I think I'll be getting him on my v3.

i had a mametchi on my tama and i didn't take exactly PERFECT care of it. Just try your best and good luck. i have had all of the perfect care tamas without meaning to so maybe you'll get one but maybe you won't.

P.S. can you answer my last post? :lol:
i am so sorry i dont know.... totally sorry! :lol: :lol:

is it just me or is it much easier to get perfect care with boy characters? :p

i still have a child that is one year old but yesterday i worked and played and played with him and got his tone original and rythem to 999 he has everything on 999 and he has not dropped one heart and i have gave him 2 snacks and he always has zero stress because when he has stress i pay a game so is this good? and paislypuppy i think it is just you but i dont know....

NONONONONONONONONONONO!!!!!!!!! my tama just evolved into an teenager and it is bad!!! i have never had him though it is the tamagotchi that looks like fire or a flame on top of his head its called an hinotamatchi i guess i wont get a mametchi *sigh* does anyone know what he might evolve into?

Okay there's still time. Take perfect care of it. And when I say perfect I MEAN PERFECT. Like don't even let it drop one heart. and you still might get him. Hintamatchi isn't that bad. It's the neutral charecter.

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