How do I get a robotchi?


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Well-known member
Feb 4, 2006
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I REALLY want a robotichi or> :furawatchi: How do you get those??

PLEASE some one help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ANYONE PLEASE?? C'mon PLEASE reply!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :furawatchi:

That is mean, TommyB because you are braging aaaaaaaand rubing it in. It is ok racingurl_15 you will get it 1 day!

oh, well I hope so. TommyB, that was very rude. I hope it dies!!!!!!! :blink:

Sorry, there's no way to get an androtchi other than luck or debugging. Hope this helped. -Uilleam

wait. i think my friend said if you dont play many games, you can get a robotchi ;) :( :hitodetchi:

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i dont exactly know how, but I got one on generation 2, and i know it has to be an even number for the generation, like generation 2,4,6,8 ext. also, mine was a kuribotchi, then an ichigotchi, then it evolved into a robotchi

Well I don't know how but just take good care of your tama and see what it brings you!

TommyB is soooo rude cause its rude to brag! :angry:

Good luck, bunnygirl

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i heard from a friend that you don't let the happy hearts drop, but you let the hungry hearts drop. in other words, you take good care of the heart needs, but bad care of the body needs.

i heard from a friend that you don't let the happy hearts drop, but you let the hungry hearts drop. in other words, you take good care of the heart needs, but bad care of the body needs.
That is the proven way to get Androtchi on the V1 (even numbered generations) - full happy hearts (snacks & the Dance Steps game) and low/empty on hungry hearts.

I have never tried it with the V2 - but you never know - it might work...

I have tried that strategy on the V2 with an odd generation - and got a Kiwitchi....

Sorry I can't help you more.

Best, etc.


That is the proven way to get Androtchi on the V1 (even numbered generations) - full happy hearts (snacks & the Dance Steps game) and low/empty on hungry hearts.
I have never tried it with the V2 - but you never know - it might work...

I have tried that strategy on the V2 with an odd generation - and got a Kiwitchi....

Sorry I can't help you more.

Best, etc.


well if you got a kiwitchi, that probably isnt good.

i thought that androtchi was supposed to be okay/mildly bad charicter?

but kiwitchi is not..

so maybe there is more to it?

I don't know really how i got it but i had that apple tama and i heard the evolving noise and it was a robogotchi <_<

I'm sorry I didn't mean to sound like I was bragging or being rude, what I meant to say was I got a robotchi on v2, I got an apple tama and it evolved into a robotchi.

Care more about happy than hungry on an even generation. simple as that

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