how do i get "this" tama?????????????


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Active member
Mar 7, 2005
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I want a mimitchi. Tell me how please? <_< :( :(

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<_< Thanks alot :( not to be mean,but can you get more detialed? :(
Kool...My tama is messed up. I tried the debug thing but now when i press the"C" button,time speeds up!!! I am on third cause of this. My first was a memetchi,then matchmaker,then mimitchi!!! Kool hu!!!!! <_<

Kool...My tama is messed up. I tried the debug thing but now when i press the"C" button,time speeds up!!! I am on third cause of this. My first was a memetchi,then matchmaker,then mimitchi!!! Kool hu!!!!! <_<
Awsome! I'm buying a new tama to debug! I just can part with the one I have, so no Debugging for it!

Forget this post <_<

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Awsome! I'm buying a new tama to debug! I just can part with the one I have, so no Debugging for it!
can I have your old tama?? <_<

YEAH i got mimitchi its easy take perfect care dont let the hearts drop below 3 hearts at anything and also keep its training high it is very simple <_<

YEAH i got mimitchi its easy take perfect care dont let the hearts drop below 3 hearts at anything and also keep its training high it is very simple :D
-_- Thanks :lol:

There's a bit more to it than that.

Mimitchi evolves from young mimitchi or onionchi. Mimitchi is ONLY AVAILABLE TO EVEN NUMBERED GENERATIONS. If it is an odd number and you try for mimitchi, you will get mametchi.

Discipline it thoroughly and be sure not to let hearts drop below three. Do not let poop sit there for more than 10-15 minutes. Take excellent care, turning lights off at bedtime. Do not let your tamagotchi get sick or get a toothache (feeding it too many snacks).

Um...Well I have had every single adult besides Mimitchi and what I do is take the best of it and try and get all the training up because I HAD THE ROBOT and all the training is up.


I hope this helps! :lol:

*Also, if you have Young mimitchi, It will give you a better chance*


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