How do I play Shapes on my v4.5


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Jan 23, 2008
Reaction score
The title basically says it all. I read the instructions, which only confused me, i pushed every button possible, but NOTHING happened! What am I doing wrongÉ But more importantly, how do I playÉÉÉÉÉ (I know, my questions marks are being wierd)

Okay, when you press two buttons at the same time, it switches the shapes on the bottom around so the black shapes and fall into the correct slots. Let me know if you have any other problems!!! Hope I helped!!!

[SIZE=10pt]It's a simple game. Keep in mind, it also raises your Intellegence points! You use all the buttons in this game. Here's how it works:[/SIZE]


You use the B (middle) button to toggle through the shapes: Star, Circle, Square, Triangle, Diamond, and Heart. You use the A (left) and C (right) buttons to put the shapes in the left or right columns. Match up all thirty shapes coming down in the columns with the correct shapes and you win!


It gets a little tricky, though. Two, three, and occasionally even four shapes can come down at once in different columns, so be sure to toggle through those shapes as fast as you can!


Good luck.

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