How do you get Androtchi?


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Jan 3, 2005
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I really want Anrotchi, the one that looks like a robot! But I dont know how to get it! Please give me your theories or tips.

To get androtchi ----> <_<

You need to have Oniontchi or Young mimitchi

Never ever let the happy hearts go down, but you can let the hungry hearts slip once or twice.

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:wacko: Some people say you need to call it robo or robot. I find that none of this works. I had a fire tamagotchi teen that turned into a robot. So there aree no secret ways! :wacko:

:ph34r: :blink: :wub: :ph34r: :blink: :D :lol:

I have never gotten an Androtchi sorry. You shouldn't post this here, Tips and Trick section is for posting tips and tricks, not asking for them.

-Twirly :D

I had a Hinatomotchi, (The fireball), and I let it's hearts drop down once.. I also sped the time up, and it pooped constantly, and stayed with it for only a few second, (I clean up immeadiately). xD

It became an elder female along with my other tama, who's a male, and they had babies. Guess what /they/ were?

Both were Bill! (Oyajtchi or what ever. The one with a ponytail. ^^)

Well, if you want an Androtchi, take really good care of your pet. Or you can debug. Although, that is cheating. :angry:

What allygotchi said is the correct way! I always take average care of my tama, and I end up with Hanatchi and Robotchi all the time. *sighs* I...want...a...memetchi!

if u try 2 get -_- u need 2 do wat u need 2 on a odd gen, otherwise it could be hanatchi

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