How do you get more chart points?


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Well I'm often in topten and thats because there are so many guests and other 1-40 level guys. You can get your visitor rank higher when you talk them. Say them "Come check out my room" and when they goto your room just stay where you are and when they come say it again lol :) If they ask wanna be friends just show them smile like I usually do :) And cd ranking umm... I'm not sure but if you spent a lot of time in tamatown many other users can hear your cd often :D :p


Well I'm often in topten and thats because there are so many guests and other 1-40 level guys. You can get your visitor rank higher when you talk them. Say them "Come check out my room" and when they goto your room just stay where you are and when they come say it again lol :D If they ask wanna be friends just show them smile like I usually do :D And cd ranking umm... I'm not sure but if you spent a lot of time in tamatown many other users can hear your cd often :D :D ME2620
That raised it up a bit B) Thanks! :D

If you have time, you can go play more at the Club pop, you can even get 50pts even though you loose or not play atall, that helps. I am usually busy with homework and so I just put my character to Club Pop to play, it basically just doesn't move, but as i said, you can still get 50pts even though you loose or not play.

That also helps your CD level, I gained a few CD levels from doing that - Gotchi points too!

Try it, it works

And to get more Visitors to your room, just do what kapteeni kilppa said, that works well. Especially if you are a special character, Mocha, Spot or Nazotchi.

If you have time, you can go play more at the Club pop, you can even get 50pts even though you loose or not play atall, that helps. I am usually busy with homework and so I just put my character to Club Pop to play, it basically just doesn't move, but as i said, you can still get 50pts even though you loose or not play.
That also helps your CD level, I gained a few CD levels from doing that - Gotchi points too!

Try it, it works

And to get more Visitors to your room, just do what kapteeni kilppa said, that works well. Especially if you are a special character, Mocha, Spot or Nazotchi.
that raised it too ;)
