How do you get tamas to mate?


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Active member
Aug 12, 2012
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I have two 4 year old version two tamas, and they have all hearts for each other. I want them to have babies, but so far, they haven't. What should I do? Should I select "present" when connecting them? Or connect them like v1s? I have a love potion; should I use it right before connecting them? Do they both need to drink a love potion? I have had tamas have babies at age 4 before, but it was my v3 and v1, do v2s need to be older? :mimitchi:

Never fear, they do not have to drink Love Potion or give each other presents; they simply have to be older. Version 2s usually only marry when they are 5 or even 6 years old, two years after they become adults. And make sure one's a male and one's a female! ;)

Woah! They just had babies when I connected them this morning! It only took one connection, and they're still only 4 years old! :) I guess I just have to be more patient. :mimitchi: :babytchi:

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