How Do You Know When Your tama will grow


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All I know is for V4 and V4.5:

Egg to Baby- 1 min

Baby to Toddler- 1 hour

Toddler to Teen- 1 day

Teen to Adult-3 days

And for V5:

Egg to Baby- 1 min

Baby to Child- 1 hour

Child to Teen- 2 days

Teen to Adult- 2 days

Adult to Parent- 2 days


To Add to Vernon:

On v4 & 4.5:

Adults turn to Oldies when they are 10 years old

on ANY version, when it is time ur tama's screen will flash and it will magicaly grow into another tama. ur tama will only grow to one character depending on how much attention you give it. :wacko:

Ummh I'm sorry to say, but there really is no way to tell when your tama will grow, you just have to wait, take care of it, and do whatever, but don't go to school, or work, with it at homw and not on pause, because, it could end up dyeing.

I love my kupatchi :D :(

:ph34r: :angry: oh thats easy!! here are the details :) :)

version 5

baby 1 hour

toddler to teen 2 days

teen to adult 2 days

reads matchmaker 2 days

versions 4 & 4.5

baby 1hour

toddler 24 hours [without being paused]

teen 2 days

adult age 2

matchmaker age 6-9

oldie age 9+

versions 1, 2 & 3

baby 1 hour

toddler 24 hours

teen 3 days

adult age 3

matchmaker comes age 7-10

oldie 10+

this is just some details that might help so i hope they do!! ;) :) :furawatchi:

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