how do you play flag?


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New member
Apr 13, 2006
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I keep trying to play flag but I don't get it. Can someone tell me how to play? :gozarutchi: :huh: :blink:

Probably shoulda posted this question somewhere else, lol...

...The game is pretty simple. If the flag pointing left comes up, hit left. If the flag pointing right comes up, hit right. If both come up, hit both.

The trick is the "fake" flags. The REAL flags are the long ones... The "fake" flags are shorter in size. (Also, you can tell by the beeping noise.. REAL flags give off a long beep, while fake flags give off a short beep.) When a fake flag comes up, don't do anything! Don't hit any keys! Wait until a real flag comes up, and THEN hit the appropriate key!

The other trick is when, say, the left-pointing arrow comes up on the RIGHT side of the screen. In this case, you should hit the left key (but only if it's a real flag!)

Just remember:

>Hit the key on the side of the Tamagotchi that the arrow points to.

>Watch out for "fake" flags -- when they come up, do nothing. Wait for a real flag.

also, there is a black flag and a white flag as you can see. Whenever the REAL white or black flag is shown with it's long beep, press the button that is directly underneath. :angry:

Sometimes, both flags will appear at the same time and you have to press both buttons at the same time. Sometimes the flags will switch sides but you still have to press the 'correct' button. It is quite tricky actually. :angry:

Have Fun!!!!!!!!! :angry:

Honestly, it's one of my favorite games :angry: I like Flag and ummm... The note-dropping one (for some reason, the name is TOTALLY lost to me!)

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