how do you raise ur tama?


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some people i know spoil their tama's...but when i mean spoil..i mean ppl actually treat their tamas lk a little kid..if they die, people have funerals..if its feeding time..people feed them in the kitchen..and at nite, they put them in a hand-made tama do you treat ur tama's? :p


I raise my tamagotchi by really keeping my eye on it because I want it to grow up and be a beautiful adult and by taking good care of it. Well my tamagotchi does not have anyfriends and I want it to. But my friends do not have a tamagotchi. Well my friend was about to get a tamagotchi at K.B Toys but then she had saw a knitting kit and I got mad because she had said that she was going to get a tamagotchi v.5 and there is another friend that she has a tamagotchi v.5 but then she had said that she lost it. But she will not come back to our school becasuse she is moving to Florida and I got sad because I won't see her again. :( Well at least it is the end of the school year and we only have 10 weeks of vacation. Well at least I can play with my tamagotchi v.5 more often and go to tamatalk everyday and stay up late on tamatalk. ;) :) ;)

I spoil them very much actually. I'm always in Tamatown buying my familitchi treats that the particularly don't deserve. I also made my own little necklace that I keep my tama in so I don't forget to check on it. I also bought the little plushes that they sell for my tama's and thats where they sleep. x3 Sometimes I wear it if I'm wearing a cute outfit. I make my own trends.



Tamagotchi beds, houses and even funerals? How creative! I love creative things, but don't think I'll be that way with my Tamagotchi. I have so many creative outlets that there is little incentive to be that way with my Tamagotchi. I only just got my first one a couple of weeks ago. Like someone else said, I wear mine on a lanyard. So it is with me all the time and I check on it very frequently, or play the games when I have spare time, or times that I have to stop and wait for something, even a minute or two. This one keeps me so 'busy' that I don't see how people with more than one, do it! After they go to sleep about 9pm, each night, I take it off of my neck and hang it on a hook until morning. First thing the next morning, it goes right back on my neck, though.

If I go somewhere, I do take it with me, but sometimes will put it in my purse rather than wear it. Other places, where I wouldn't want to have it beep at me, like in church, I leave it in the car. I took it out to eat with friends yesterday, and wore it until we went into the restaurant, where I put it in my purse. One teased me a little about it, in a friendly way, but my friends know I am eccentric, so are used to my 'weirdness'. :unsure:

I usually forget about my tamagotchi and find it 1 week later under my bed, dead. But then I just restart it and start all over.

For me , I know it wakes up at 7:00 am . I set my alarm so that I care for it in the morning. I keep my Tama between my keyboard and screen of my computer so I can keep and eye on it. ( I change the contrast so I can see it it. ) I feed it according to the time. ( cereal = breakfast , sushi = dinner , etc ). So yah. Sometimes i feed them milk before bed. I may seem like im obsessed , but i'm actually not. Its the healthy kind of interest :]


I raise my tama normally without spoiling it! :lol: I don't give it 'superstar treatment' but I do give it lots and lots of love!!! :D B)

But I have a friend called Elina who treats her v5 tama like a celebrity. It has its own mini tama room in one corner of her bedroom & she takes it EVERYWHERE with her, as a fashion accessory on her belt or something, and she still manages to stay popular lol!!!!!!! :ichigotchi: she calls them things like 'star' or 'gorge' or 'mwah' and stuff like that! i'm into cuter names like 'mango' or 'bibi' or 'pip'!!!!!!!!!! :kuribotchi:


I raise my tama normally without spoiling it! :( I don't give it 'superstar treatment' but I do give it lots and lots of love!!! ;) :D
But I have a friend called Elina who treats her v5 tama like a celebrity. It has its own mini tama room in one corner of her bedroom & she takes it EVERYWHERE with her, as a fashion accessory on her belt or something, and she still manages to stay popular lol!!!!!!! :D she calls them things like 'star' or 'gorge' or 'mwah' and stuff like that! i'm into cuter names like 'mango' or 'bibi' or 'pip'!!!!!!!!!! :D

Just like me :3

i have this mini inflatable chair i got in las vegas i put my tama on. and i usually take it with me everywhere in the house.i usually let their weight go to 99lbs, but i recently learned that is considered overweight,and can not give you good characters and stuff so now my adult is 46 lbs.i also bought the tama trading cards a couple years ago and it came with stickers, so i put some of them on my phone, you know, just to spread the tama love :) this morning my v4 woke me up with the sound of her getting a message mail thing.....but i fell right back asleep.

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i have this mini inflatable chair i got in las vegas i put my tama on. and i usually take it with me everywhere in the house.i usually let their weight go to 99lbs, but i recently learned that is considered overweight,and can not give you good characters and stuff so now my adult is 46 lbs.i also bought the tama trading cards a couple years ago and it came with stickers, so i put some of them on my phone, you know, just to spread the tama love :marumimitchi: this morning my v4 woke me up with the sound of her getting a message mail thing.....but i fell right back asleep.
What a good parent you are :)

I love my tama so much but i don't spoil it to much because it might result in me being to attached to it here are 3 things i NEVER do with my tamas and the reason i don't do it.....

1.Take it to school (it could get taken away!)

2.Bring it to dinner (one word SPILL)

3.Put it near any of my pets (i don't trust them :D )

Think about it

I'm here to help :D

Lately i havent been paying much attention to it. I mean , i've been keeping them healthy and happy , but my hearts not into it. Thats gonna change :D

When I'm off of school, I spoil mine. =)

I get souveniers from TamaTown and buy them loads of $#!+. I play games alot and I try to keep them at a low weight, but sometimes I don't realize how much I'm feeding them... haha.

I haven't thought of the bed thing though, I'll have to try that. =)

I completely spoil my Tama. I've made it a little bed to sleep in, I shop a lot, and they go everywhere with me. But I do not let my Tama get fat, I keep it at a very low weight. I love my Tama so much, I have to spoil it!

I treat my tama like a friend but I dont spoil it. I lay them on the ground or on the night stand at night. I take them every were and I love them to death(this is my only tama v5) and well i guess i never really have spoiled em......

I Raise My Tamagotchi normally disipline it. And when its good every now and then I buy its Favourite food or Toy.

i just got a v4 and a v5 and i don't do all that stuff like put them to sleep like real people if there hungry i wait till it has zero bars then feed

I make sure my Tamas are well fed, clean (no poop ), and play games with them, and also give praise or disipline when needed. I check them once an hour or so to make sure they're doing all right. Otherwise, no special treatment, and they do just fine, and either make babies or pass away at a respectable old age. :ichigotchi:

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[SIZE=8pt]I take my tama to school and everywhere I go, I never let it out of my sight![/SIZE]

When I'm at school though I just keep it in my locker and put it to sleep and play with it on the bus ride home.

I love to play alot of games with my Tama and one day I hope to discover what the highest amount of skill points you can have is.

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