how do you raise ur tama?


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[SIZE=8pt]I have four tamagotchis, two v 4.5's and a ansestor tamagotchi. I also have a tama v 5. i keep the tamas that need new batteries in a hand made bag on the top shelf in my closet under silk cloth. but the only tama that has a good battery right now is my v 5. and i take that wherever i go, including school. (i sneek it in.) but i just put it on my shelf next to my bed when i sleep. thats pretty much it.[/SIZE]

Guilty! I treat my Tamagotchi the best ever, it has its on little bed on my drawer next to my bed, with its own sleeping bag for camping, sheets, handmade pillow and cover. All psychedelically colored, with tye dyes and rainbows. Their bed is a little watch box, it has a clear top, so I can carry them in it, if I want. I also made them a jean pocket out of an old pair of jeans, it hurt my hands sewing it, but it's worth it, I clip it to my pants if I don't have my lanyard with me. Other than that, I treat them crazy good, I keep them around my neck all the time, and I can't go two minutes without checking on them. I love my tamagotchi!

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A few years ago, when I had my v3, I used to make beds out of toilet paper for it (lol) and take it to a few movies, such as Bridge to Terabithia. Nowadays, I keep all my Tamagotchis in a little "baby's first keepsake box" that is soft and has a little plush strawberry on top of it. I love my Tamagotchis, but out of all I do keep in mind that they are just pixels and I don't treat them like real humans so much that I make myself look like a freak.

I know I'll get flamed for this.

I'm treating it like a real pet. I'm bringing it everytime and everywhere. I'm so happy when I'm with it!!!

























i treat my tamagotchis spoiled i made two beds 2 pillows and 2 blankets for my tamagotchis that are running im working on a tamahouse actually 2 one for oreo! and one for extra so yea i guess i do spoil them they are like my kids :eek:

some people i know spoil their tama's...but when i mean spoil..i mean ppl actually treat their tamas lk a little kid..if they die, people have funerals..if its feeding time..people feed them in the kitchen..and at nite, they put them in a hand-made tama do you treat ur tama's? :D
you dont have to do any of that stuff just feed it when it is hungrey clean up its poop sent it to school pause it when you go out get it a job get it marred and play games whith it and thats it

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I think everyone's free to raise their Tama however they want, as long as the Tama is happy and healthy and you are too. I totally agree with pausing at work or school because I would rather give my Tamas perfect care than sporadic care that might result in them getting sick.

I'm pretty guilty though; I have handmade ceramic beds for them to sleep in on my nightstand and I always wear pants with pockets down the sides for work so I can slip a couple of my little friends in :D

Even when they're on pause, they're still with me - I just took my Devilgotchi on silent and pause to see Hancock!

I always put God first , thats for sure , and people second , then myself. But that doesn't mean I don't care about them, you can ask my family. I feed them foods according to the time of the day , I silently talk to them , I never pause them and I've recently changed my sleeping schedule to fit theirs :eek: Sometimes I'm so engaged with my tamas , I forget about other things :D Nothing I'm proud of , but ... it happens. Anyways , If I'm out roller skating or something , I have my tamas use their roller skates to :D I usually spoil them , but not to the point where they get everything they want. I take them everywhere , using lanyards & cases ( especially when were going out-on-the-town ).


I Really spoil mine, i have it eat the appropriate meals what im eating , e.g if it was the morning, i would feed it breakfast. i made mine a little bed, a house and furniture aswell. i dont have funerals for mine, but i go to the shop with it AT LEAST 3 times a day,if im at aschool, i put my tama to school, i check on it liek every minute. i have a kutchiatche lanyard what i keep it in and at night i put it to sleep in his bed on my desk, and i also feed it in the kitchen. BTW, I do ALOT more than that!

you dont have to do any of that stuff just feed it when it is hungrey clean up its poop sent it to school pause it when you go out get it a job get it marred and play games whith it and thats it
yeah but some people get addicted ( Like Me.)

some people i know spoil their tama's...but when i mean spoil..i mean ppl actually treat their tamas lk a little kid..if they die, people have funerals..if its feeding time..people feed them in the kitchen..and at nite, they put them in a hand-made tama do you treat ur tama's? :D
just like you said; thats all true for me but its a bit embarrassing.

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Id say average, i don't take it too seriously, just like a normal game really.

Feed it when its hungry, raise its skill points, play games etc.

I used to take mine to school and check it at break/dinner time, now i keep them at home <_<

Cya! :rolleyes:

I feed them whenever the hungry hearts go down..and I play with them when their happy hearts go down. I usually feed them breakfast, lunch, and dinner. They sit on the dinner table when I eat dinner and they have a place on my bed when I go to sleep, so I know where to find them. I even made a house for my tamas and the each have a bed.

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honestly, i spoil my tama V4 something rotten!! but its so cute, its name is Nico and i was sooooooooooooooooooooooo happy when it turned 6 and i could get the matchmaker and now im about to get the next generation. my tama is a Togetchi, and y'know at the first look i looked at it and screamed...IT WAS SO UGLY but now i looked closley and i realized it is sooooo cute!! i :) you Nico!!

Care with it with such a lovingly tama-bed which i call tama-apartment,all of my tamas have all their bed and i made it as simple as pie with perfect designs in and out.It was made by the ff. materials..


2.Glitter Pens

NOTE:I only post the materials because it was useful if someone will made a tama-apartment(tama bed)


I'm not a Tama-addict, but I do love my Tama. Isn't that the point? You raise it, feed it and love it? I sneak my Tama to school and check on it on bathroom breaks and I keep it on my nightstand so each morning I can check it and everything. My friend doesn't spoil her Tama either. She just gives it what it needs.

I take care of my Tama as if it were my own child.

I keep it on a little table next to my bed when I sleep. I always have it between my computer monitor and keyboard so I can always check on it while I'm online, and I always make sure it can see the TV screen when I watch movies.

I take it with me to the mall, car rides, restaurants, movie theaters, and pretty much every where else besides school, and when we're in the car, I always hold it in my hands, making my hands seem like a seatbelt. :p

I don't have a special bed or case to put it in. Usually just in my pocket, or around a key necklace thingy.

Also, when I feed it, I give it appropiate food for that time of day, (Ex. breakfast-omelet, cereal, etc, Lunch- sandwhiches, bread, cereal etc, Dinner- sushi, scones, etc.)

I also shop at the shop every day, and give it yummy treats. Sometimes I even talk to it... :rolleyes: But not in a weird way, just like "Your so cute!" or, "Good morning!" or even "Lets watch a movie". :p

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