how do you sleep?


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Well-known member
Aug 16, 2007
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In a piano. Yes, IN a piano.
this sounds weird, but i'm a pattern of all of these. at first i thought i was crazy, but it's not that abnormal. my friends say i'm a riot at sleepovers..... so what about you guys? i'm interested. i'll mutter about things in my dream, or things that happened in my day. i have this ting....i'm asleep but i can see [if my eyes are open], hear, feel, and smell, only i cant control myself. i can't move or talk [unless sleep- walking and talking is applied]. my dreams are like a movie a crazy person dircted, and in my dreams, you never see anyone's face, not clearly. there's more.....i'll post more later.

Eh, there's no such things as "Stupid Questions" :( ( least I think!!)


Hmm, well according to my parents, and my 6 brothers they say I "snore" I don't believe them though :( But oh well if I do..I don't mean too! I think that usally means that I have a stuffy nose or something! Hehe :mimitchi:


My mum says that I also grind my teeth at night, or at least sometimes!!



I don't get much sleep =P

One time, when my friend was over I was sleeping and saying a few random stuff in my sleep. She told me I said "Yes I'll go out with you" x3

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I don't get much sleep =POne time, when my friend was over I was sleeping and saying a few random stuff in my sleep. She told me I said "Yes I'll go out with you" x3
Haha, that's pretty funny!


When I was in Boise, Idaho at a hotel with my family, my brother was talking in his sleep, and I thought he was seriously talking to me. He said "Go blow your nose..." and I was like "What..." haha! It was pretty funny!



I sleep on my side, then I mostly toss and turn. I sometimes talk in my sleep when I have a lot on my mind.


And by sleepwalking, i'm technically dead tired and half awake, walking.

Like when I go to the bathroom and hit the wrong light switch B)

When ever I have a bad dream, I tend tosleep walk...good dreams...i tend to sleep talk. =| If its an okii dream, Ill do a combonation of the 2

Sometimes I have insomnia, sometimes I fall asleep all the time. My sleep is usually irregular. Also I go to bed at all different times, sometimes 12, sometimes 4.. just depends on what I am doing.

Apparently I laugh in my sleep. Hehe.

Also when I dream something like scenery I'll see it within that week/if I dream something it sometimes comes true.

I don't sleep a lot...

When I do I kick things and cough a lot. Once when we were on holiday, apparently I walked into my parents bedroom, said something really weird and started laughing madly at them.

I used to sleepwalk when I was younger. I always used to wake up in my mum's bedroom after falling asleep in my own room.

Once my brother sleepwalked when he needed to go to the toilet. Instead of going in the toilet, he went in the bin :p :p

I used to sleepwalk. Once my mom said I went through the whole entire house then back to bed XD

I also used to snore, before I got my tonsils and adnoids out (I don't know what purpose they have either, so...) And I had to record it for the doctor. I was always to scared of people recording me in my sleep, I would absolutely sob until I fell asleep.

I only once sleepwalked, and that was going down stairs, when we had a light switch upstairs, plus the light was on, and my gran opened the door and said, 'What do you think your doing?' And I said, 'im turning the light on.' LOL.

Oh and also, I keep on having this dream when Im flling, and I wake up andim still in my bed, but it feels asif im really falling, I go all tingly inside.

Occasionally I will have a conversation in my sleep with my mom or something... and I guess I was sleepwalking once when I was very young, but other than that... as far as I know I sleep normally. Of course who is to ever know? I am sleeping!

i sleep at 23,00 when i go to bed i erase all the pencils from my room to living room.

my dreams are strange mostly about tamas pokemon or cyclops. my favourite dream is when my tamas came alive!

i go to bed at 22,00 but i never sleep at this time. i read funny comics to sleep perfectly.

I have a combination of Sleep-walking,Sleep-talking,Insomia and snoring.

I usually Sleep-Walk,but not all the time.Sometimes I sleep-talk,but it's rare.I usually have trouble falling asleep and I have heard reports from others that I snore loudly xD

i also sleepwalk. and there's this really weird's likem consiouse sleeping. it's where i'm asleep, i know i'm asleep, but i'm sleepwalking/talking, but not controlling it. does anyone else get this?

I'm told that I snore (sOMETIMES!) in my sleep. Also I talk in my sleep. Once during Christmas Eve night or EARLY EARLY Christmas morning (I'm talking 5 AM latest) last year I had to sleep in my sisters bunk bed and my sister stayed up all night but i fell asleep. She told me I randomly said "pickle" in my sleep. XD

My brother once sleepwalked outside in the backyard. Then my mom found him there XD.

My friend and her sister fight in their sleep!!! lawl

Oh i do everything: Sleep walk, sleeptalk, sleep scream (lol), sleep leave-my-house-and-wake-up-on-my-front-lawn, ect.

its pretty scarry XD


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