How do you sleep?


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Well-known member
Sep 16, 2006
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I sleep with a night light and the TV(sound on low) on becuse im scared of the dark and i dont like complet silence. ;)

I don't care if people know, but I'm afraid of the dark. I keep the TV on with the sound turned up to about 6.

I'm afraid of the dark and I hate to have no sound because I'll hear little sounds like the air conditioning kicking in and think someone's breaking in.

I have a nightlight on, and occasionally the TV with little volume. I never watch the TV, but the light and noise comfort me.

It's not so much that I'm scared of teh dark, it's just I get really uncomfortable in pitch darkness or complete silence.

I watch Tv for 30 minutes after I get into bed then I turn it off. Then I light both of the candles that are on each of my nightstands. I also hug a teddy bear when I go to sleep. And I sleep on my left side all the time. It is very relaxing which makes me go to sleep faster.

I cant sleep if there is ANY light whatsoever. You know how some people are afraid of the dark? I like it that way so I can't see the shadows =O

I sleep very late, and usually just have to have the blinds and closest closed, with the door open or not (doesn't matter) and all lights off. Otherwise, with even the slightest light on, I'll concentrate on that and not be able to sleep at all.

As dark as possible. Unfortunantly, dumdum cat needs a light so I have a nightlight on all the time. I have those eye covers, though. Actually, three on my bed although one I can't use at all, the other I can use but it only has one string [friend's cat chewed the rest] and the other I use.

its not that im AFRAID of the dark, but its that i feel uncomterble in pich black and silence so i leave the T.V on but the bad this is that i dont have a tv in my room! so im saving up for one

I sleep in the dark, but my boyfriend is in the bed with me to protect me from anything evil. :(

Sometimes I will go to sleep on the couch while he is playing video games, and when he is done we'll get up and go to bed together. Since having a bed buddy I can't stand sleeping by myself.

Lately I've been sleeping all night in a recliner chair. Seriously. It's comfy. :( I don't know why, but I tend to periodically get really bored with sleeping in my bed. So, I love sleeping in my chair in another area of the house when I have to sleep alone. hehe I will probably get tired of it at some point and sleep somewhere else, but for the time being it's great.

Dark. I like the dark, personally. When I have a nightlight on it just bothers me. It's not completely dark, there's a small glow from the numbers on my alarm clock, and a bit of light that gets through the cracks in my curtains. But it doesn't matter too much either way. Some of my friends need to sleep in complete darkness.

I dont sleep :mametchi:

When I rest, I have it pitch black, door shut, blinds closed, tv off.

I ♥ darkness and despise, pretty much any form of light whatso ever. Sometimes I read, but then I just enjoy staring at the rare shadow that passes the walls.


I Sleep with the Tv on, and why nightlight? I sleep with the lights on. I have only 2 lamps in my room. (I have the master bedroom of the whole house, you cant even walk in my bro's room, it's SMALL, and my dads is just PUNY)

So the 2 lights dont fill my whole room, at all.... (not to brag, my rooms the size of a house's large living room, with staires, slider, and master bathroom :mellow: ) The slider in my room freaks me out,because my cat broke my curtins, and so I have the small tv in frount of it, and my 2 lamps on :huh: Simple... Then the rest of my house iss pitch black XD XD XD

I sleep with my light off and my curtains wide open. No one can see into my room when it's dark and the window lets some light in.

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