How do you speak in real life?


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When I was little, I watched Kipper so much that I started to talk with an English accent xD

..but currently, I'd say I talk kind of odd. My front teeth are so big that they brush against my bottom lip when I talk. That basically makes me talk like, "Vfello, fy name is Fcottie" for example.

Also, I talk quite loudly.. and way too much

I have an accent too. Its Russian! Weird...I sound really grown up on the phone. but in real life I sound weird. I dont know why. And yeah- I use text talk in real life sometimes aswell. I say lol alot and o-m-g aswell. It annoys me. Its just how I talk and I cant really change it.

I talk really loud and goofy... but only around my BFF's. And I say dude a lot. xD

well, i prety much can be quiet and totally confient-lacking or way to loud.

my voiec i guess is a normal pitch, not high not low

i speak with a light spanish acccent and i totaly swear to much ahaah

i say the words rad, awesome and sexy alot ahah

! have somewhat of a deep voice for a girl

I also tend to speek dryly like ill say something funny not trying to

but out of the truth

and all my friends crack up

usully ill be like "what are you laughing at?!"

I also say "My a**"

ex *looks at a price tag of something i like* "149 dollers my a**"

People say I talk to fast especially when I'm in front of a lot of people.

I'm pretty quiet when I talk, too.

Cause I could be using a really loud voice, and someone still says they can't hear me.

And I say "like" a lot.

And on good days I end some of my sentences with "and a toilet cover." or "I daresay."

That's on purpose though xD Inside jokes.

I live in Canada, so I guess I have a Canadian accent.

I talk really fast when I'm annoyed.

I talk really slow when I'm angry.

My voice is actually much nicer that what it sounds like to me.

I have a really little British accent that only shows up in one word. I say "rum" instead of saying "room".

...yeah, that's it. I think.

I live in Kansas, and I don't fully know why, but people seem to think that everybody from the Midwest has a more Southern accent.. Which, of course, isn't true. I would say that I talk pretty normal. o.o

I have a habit of talking too fast and an octave too high when I get excited, though. My friends and family seem to find it entertaining, anyway. :x

And lately, since something has gone around my school, I lose my voice here and there. So, when I'm excited, I'm virtually just jumping around and look like I'm mouthing words like a moron.

People say I talk to fast especially when I'm in front of a lot of people.I'm pretty quiet when I talk, too.

Cause I could be using a really loud voice, and someone still says they can't hear me.

And I say "like" a lot.

And on good days I end some of my sentences with "and a toilet cover." or "I daresay."

That's on purpose though xD Inside jokes.
LOL. Inside jokes are always the best jokes. :3

I end my sentences with "epic" a lot of the times.

"I'm doing good," then my voice randomly changes to a weird, undescribable tone, "EPIC."

What I also say a whole heck of a lot is "Fa shoo." It's really annoying, especially since I don't do it on purpose, I do it without thinking.

"Go, fa shoo."

"I'm doing great, fa shoo."

"How are you doing, fa shoo."

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I never cuss. I do admit I'm loud though. And I use alot of medical words *coughTraumaCentercough*. Like, instead of "cut" and "bleeding", I use "laceration" and "hemmoraging" (sp). I'm such a geek. I need to lay off the medical referance for...about 10 years. xD

I have an English/Australian/American accent.

English because I lived in England until I was 10.

Australian because I have lived in Australia for 4 years.

American because I watch too much American T.V and because everyone says I speak American.

I don't swear.

I say 'like' in every sentence.

I say 'Oh my God!' a lot.

My voice is very high pitched.

:furawatchi: I must sound like I'm from California but unlike most people I'm rather quiet and reserved. My voice changes very much and is usually so high pitched that a co-worker calls me Bubbles (like the power-puff girl). I try to use a deeper voice around most people so it carries a bit more but I sound like I'm six-years-old. I guess it suits me because I'm generally a sunny, happy, bouncy person when not sharing my opinions...

I act and sound like an air-head but I don't think like one?

Really, though, I have like, a mood voice. I can copy lots and lots of voices, sounds, and accents. People have asked me if I had lived in counties like Japan or taken voice classes... o_O which really surprises me... because I never have.... I just like to make funny voices....

I'm not very good at talking though because really, I'm very shy until I'm comfortable around someone. I prefer to speak in my own languages (which my boyfriend seems to pick up on rather well) rather than speak English though so if anyone did talk to me I'd probably slip and say Biiii!! or something...

:furawatchi: man... I'm so weird...

EDIT: I do swear when something needs emphasis but not very much.... I also don't censor myself either...

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I say 'Like' and 'Dude' lots too.

I dont swear all the time, maybe one day another

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