How do you tell if he likes you, if you never talk


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Well-known member
Jul 19, 2005
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Hi tamatalkers!

A boy in my homeschool group (we'll call him G) is really cute, and I have a big crush on him.

So I was talking to my friend who is also in this group, and I asked her if any other homeschoolers had MSN.

She said that G did, so I asked if he'd mind if I added him. She said, "No, it'll be cool. He'll love it. Do you like him? As in like-like him?" and I told her I did.

But what is weird, is that (a while ago, way before the above happened) I got a friend to help me add him before, so my friend added G to a msn conversation and I asked if he'd mind if I added him, and G just left the conversation.

G never looks directly at me, and when he's talking, he doesn't make eye contact with me. He doesn't even seem like the shy type.

How could I get to know him better? Do you think he has a crush on me?

(I am the shy type, so please don't tell me to go up to him and say "heya whats up buddy?" or something like that! :lol: )

He probably does like you.

Does he know your Msn? If he does, just talk to him, like an average conversation, like "Hey whats up?" and just talk and what not xD

Good luck (;

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