How do you wear your Tamas?


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I wear my tamas around my neck.When I'm in school, I ask my parents to watch them.

I usually wear the key chain around my finger like a ring and hold my tama or it is in my pocket or purse. I dont like to use my purse though because its a deep dark place which makes it hard to get to.

Oh god....My parents don't even know how to pronounce or spell "Tamagotchi" let alone take care of one.
MY parents don't know how EITHER! I usually carry them in my pants. Or around my neck. But I put them in my pants way more. :mimitchi:

'metchi :furawatchi:

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My tama i puts on a ikkle key chain and klips it on my trousers =P

Alex has fun(My tama not my boyfriend lmao--x)

Hes lyk a ikkle v3 Kisses to Alexxxxi

Love from santa is coming to you ;) -Olivia Anne--x




I waer mine around my neck. Liz(parent) and sor(liz's baby boy) love going to the mall. Sor loves the candy and video game store. Liz loves the clothes store(her job is a designer).

i wear it around my neck,i used to do it in my old school it even showed during class but noone cared.but in my new school the principal saw me wearn' it and told me if she sees it again its hers.i didnt bring it for the next few weeks but then i got bored on the bus so in school now i hide it in a small fuzzy blue purse enough to hold 3 tams.

i put mine on my belt/neck/on my money pocket


i put mine in my pants :3

and sometimes my mom takes care of them....i have to tell her how everytime though xDDDD

i use to keep my tama in my pocket until i almost lost it one time. so now i clip it to my pants.

i have mine on a wrist band, so i can wear it as a braclet, its easier to carry around, the wrist band, is actually from my Ipod case. its just because i dont have a neck thingy, so i had to comprimise

Well its not that easy putting 6 tamagotchis on a lanyard :wacko:

I usually have one on the lanyard, then my other 5 I carry around the house, and I leave them on my desk when I'm not using them.


If I'm at home, I wear mine around my neck. :(

Much easier then carrying it around.

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