How Do You..


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Interesting topic, lolol.

When I cry, ehh, Idk really. It changes a lot.

When I sneeze, it sounds like a single cough, if you can imagine that.

My laugh, hahaha, my laugh.... It's really loud and annoying. It's like a really screechy tone of HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

My laugh is like a dying hyena's.

My sneeze is loud, and I have to hold my nose otherwise it hurts me (same with you, Notes.)

My cough is sometimes loud, sometimes soft. Depends really.

My crying is loud and annoying, and makse people want to rip their ears out.

I cry like... like just random breakdowns like I'll be a little mad about who knows what and I break out in tears and shove my face into my pillow and cry silently but really heavily

I sneeze quietly and usually 3 times in a row

I laugh sometimes a cute giggle when I'm trying to be polite and laugh but when I'm really laughing It's like a funny laugh that trails off... I don't really know how to explain it.

I cough loudly but not like gross

Ahaha, in the middle of reading this topic, I sneezed.

It sounded like I was saying "GOSHBLESHYOUS"


My laugh, it's so... I can't breathe.

I can't even explain how annoying, and loud, and.... obnoxious it is.

My cry, I haven't cried in long enough to tell you.

But I do know it is obnoxiously LOUD and I tend to shudder, and gasp a lot.


I hate my laugh. It's like, giggling, except....louder o_o


I cry silent, except for the occasional gasping breaths. I'll hiccup after if I cry really hard. I'll always be tired after I cry.


It depends on what I'm coughing from. If I'm sick, and I cough, I'll start coughing more. My sick cough sounds like...a barking seal in a way o-o. If I'm choking on something, my cough is sounds wheezy.


It's just 'achoo' or 'choo'. Except it's really loud :(


It's usually silent.

My laugh sounds very normal for a...person that is uhhh...growing up. But it a fat pig.

That is the face that I make when I laugh-->

My sneeze is normal. I usually block my nose when I sneeze so it stops me from sneezing so I hardly ever sneeze. If you get what I mean...

My cry is the funniest. I make this deep sound and it never changes pitch. I could be making the same sound for hours non stop. This is what I look like when I cry-->

Sneeze ~ Typical "Choo!", pretty loud.

Laugh ~ Loud, hard to control, but people say it's cute. I don't snort, thank goodness!!

Cry ~ Pretty loudly but sometimes silent, it depends what I'm crying about. After I cry my face goes all red and puffy!

When I sneeze... It's very odd. When I'm like, in class or something, and I sneeze, it's silent. I sneeze but you can't hear it. It's very convient. I don't know why it's like that. But when I'm like at home or something, I sneeze normally, sound in all. I've been trying to figure it out... but so far nothing.

I don't know how I cry really. The sad thing is I cry about things that don't matter. Ever since I was little, whenever I get frustrated with myself, my eyes well up and I like, start crying. It really is horrid, because it draws a bunch of attention to me. "It's okay, Katie! Don't cry!" x___x So like, during class, if I feel like, "Crap, I'm gonna fail this test. D:," my eyes well up and... yeah. You guess what happens next. x___x

My laugh I think is odd... it's very loud. And hysterical. O__O

I think my cough is normal... same with my sniffs. .__.

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I'm trying to change it... urgh i sound like a witch or i go really high pitched and no1 takes me seriousley


EXTREMELY loud no matter what... i hate it...


It used to be all chokey, now it sounds like a dog with kennel cough!!!


Used to be loud, now its silent apart from 'involuntary gasping.' I also get lumps on my face, which makes it really hard if you want to pretend you havent been crying :D

When I laugh, it's loud and full. Like HAR HAR HAR AWH HAWH. xDD

When I sneeze I just sneeze. Just there. Ew. boogers. on my hands. ew.

And when I cry, I always cry silently if I do.

I cry silently

I laugh longer than anyone else.

I sneeze very loudly O.O

I Laugh Strangley.

The Best Sample I can come up with to type would be "Bwahahahmaaaannaaawheeeehahahahuhuhuhuhuhteehee.Mwhaahaaha.hehe

Sort of. If You Mix Spongebob SquarePants, Kira[Death note, That Laugh that Light does], a Hyena and a Crazy Insane Person. You'll have my laugh

And My Crying. Well, I dunno. Its Normal. Sort of.

And sneezing. I make a squeaking noise. Instead of "Achoo" Im all "AaaaahhhCHEEEEEEEEEEE"

I haven't cried in a while. But when I cry my face gets red and I can't lift my head ;_; When I laugh I always have my eyes closed (unless I'm fake laughing) and I lean to the side like santa clause. I sneeze weird. I shake my head real fast and its a high pitch. I don't sneeze just once, it's usually like , 2 sneezes a a time.

I Laugh Strangley.The Best Sample I can come up with to type would be "Bwahahahmaaaannaaawheeeehahahahuhuhuhuhuhteehee.Mwhaahaaha.hehe

Sort of. If You Mix Spongebob SquarePants, Kira[Death note, That Laugh that Light does], a Hyena and a Crazy Insane Person. You'll have my laugh

And My Crying. Well, I dunno. Its Normal. Sort of.

And sneezing. I make a squeaking noise. Instead of "Achoo" Im all "AaaaahhhCHEEEEEEEEEEE"
Dude, that's awesome. xD

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