How Do Your Parents Feel..


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Well-known member
Jul 20, 2006
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realizing regret
How do your parents feel about the things you watch, wear, listen to, read, use of the internet, and whatnot?

(I told you, I'm BORED. DD:)

My mom doesn't much care about what I listen to. =D I tend to get music off her computer anyways. She was a goth as a teenager, too, so she can't complain about how I dress, though I could never pull of goth. xP And hey, I'm not wearing the latest brand of La Slut. She doesn't really care about what I read, either, though she was pretty shocked when I walked out of the MIT bookstore sale having spent all my money. ;33 And she isn't bothered by what I watch or my use of the web, either. She's a pretty epic mom when it comes to having no helicopterness. <3~

As for my career choice, I don't know. I haven't asked.

My dad..I don't even know, actually. xD He seemed a little bothered by what I wore last time I went to see him, though, which was my amazing black shorts, black cons, BLACK EXPLORER SHIRT OMG, black cons, black cat ears, and white and black knee highs. He said I should do it in pink.

And I told him pink was dead. xD

As for reading, he'd probably flip at the TW novels, and one time he heard about me reading The Elegant Universe.




This was when I was ten, and he said we should get me some college applications. o.o

As for what I watch, I don't know. But he'd probably freak out when he found out what DN was, and when he watched TW and like, sue my mother or something. (o-o??)

And for my use of the internet, I don't let on that I've been top poster on forums, what forms I go on, and what I talk about. He doesn't need to know about me calling things 'teh sex' jokingly.

And music, oh, music music music.

Let's put it this way--he hasn't a clue I love metal/rock. 'nuff said.

Careers...well, I think he believes I will be Teh Noo Einsteinz or something. xDD

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Oh and I don't really know what they think of me but they think the music I listen to is weird and funny lol. And that sounds wow....

Well, they both find my music taste weird and...perhaps...abnormal. My dad once told me that I "like weird bands no one has ever heard of." I laughed and said "A lot of people have heard of them." And apparently when he listens to one of their songs, he can't understand the lyrics. My mom makes fun of my music taste.

As for clothes...apparently my clothes are always too tight. Most tank tops I have are too low. D:

They bought me the freaking tank top!

Apparently, I use the internet too much. They don't really bother to check what I'm doing on there. Except both parents are my FB that limits some of the things I can do on there.

My dad, who himself barely reads, doesn't take much interest in what I'm reading.

My mom wants me to read all of the classics. Which I do sometimes.

But when I'm reading for enjoyment, she doesn't really like it. Like when I reread Harry Potter, she's always like "Haven't you read those a million times? Why don't you read something else?" and picks out The Phantom Of The Opera or some other great awesome literature and throws it at me.

Ehh..whatever. I don't let it bother me that much.

Jeez, as for the music statement from your dad, Pink Craze, even though plenty of people HAVE heard of them, I would like to introduce him to indie rock. xD

Music - LMAO, she calls Fall Out Boy a bunch of monkeys. Like, she doesn't care what I listen to, but she's one of those moms whos like "back in the day.." sort of thing, it's pretty funny. xD My dad, I barely see him. But he likes old rock and SPANISH music, so he can't critisize! Haha.

Clothes - Well my mom has great style. She helps my find awesome clothes for good prices. Plus, if I wear something goth/punk, she'll like it. My dad doesn't care. lol.

Career - My mom supports it SOOOO much, she rocks. I want to be a photographer, and she thinks my stuff is amazing. It's embarrassing because she brags about me at work, lmfao. My dad didn't believe I took the photos I showed him until he saw my initials. He thought they were really good.

Reading - Mom recomends books to me, so she don't care. Same with dad.

Tv - Lawl, mom says Mtv will rot my brain. When I watch L&O with her or a good movie like Babel, she says, "I'm SO glad you watch stuff other than that brain mushing junk!" My dad doesn't care. We watch sci-fi/action movies together, s'all good. :]

Interwebs - Mom is the biggest hater of the computer. She doesn't care how long I'm on for, but she hates computers. She doesn't care/ask what I've been doing, but I usually tell her about dA. Daddy on the other hand, introduced me to technology. He's online more than I am. I actually made a Facebook account for him. xD

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I don't know why, but my parent's are real over protective about music and internet. They have to listen to every song I download onto my iPod to make sure it is "appropriate for my age".

Same with the Internet. They send down my little brother as a spy to see what I'm doing. I got that out of him the hard way :angry: . They let me do some things though.

As for what I read, they could care less.

For the career, they think I should be a web designer (never). The reason they think that is because I help my mom alot with the computer when she doesn't understand something.

For clothes, my parent's are so-so. They don't want me wearing all black or anything, but they do give me a lot of freedom for what I want to wear. They give me suggestions, but they never say, "You are not wearing that.". It's usually, "Well, if that is what you really want, but I think you would look better in this.". So it's not all bad.

Now, with TV, they don't want me watching the REAL inappropriate shows, but they let me watch some. They usually don't want me on the TV that long.

So, I'd say my parent's are okay compared to others. :(

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I love my parents very much! They give me a lot of freedom.


Music- My parents love the music I listen to. They're taking me to Japan next year just because they love it ^O^~ My dad laughs at me when I sing a long with my favorite songs because he has no idea what I'm saying x3


Clothes- My mom loves the clothes I wear x3 She always comes shopping with me and lets me pick out all of my outfits. She loves all of the bright colors as well as the dark ones. They both don't mind.


Career- My mom loves the fact that i want to become a model photographer. I'm always taking pictures of my sister and my family members. I'm still not sure of what I want to be though. I want to be well-known or famous some day


Reading- My parents could care less xD Unless I'm reading some porn magazine o_______O


Tv- My dad actually watches TV with me :(


Internet- My parents don't want me giving out my number to random people I just met. And when I do, they want to know who it is, etc. ^O^

Jeez, as for the music statement from your dad, Pink Craze, even though plenty of people HAVE heard of them, I would like to introduce him to indie rock. xD
Actually, what he said was "You listen to weird bands like Panic at the Disco, and nobody has ever heard of them."

And I'm sitting here like...they were on the radio.

I told him that just because he hasn't heard of them doesn't mean everybody else hasn't. Then I told him to go out on the street and ask anyone if they'd heard of PATD.

well my parents dont really know what i read/write/listen/watch and my mom is very anti goth and skull so i never wear the kind of clothes i want to wear.A.k.A skulls, black torn clothes, etc....

My mom seems to be against everything I do. She hates my music.

She can't stand what I wear.. she freaks out if I paint my nails.. I've found my black nail polish in her room several times because she thinks I wouldn't notice. It's soo annoying. >___<

My father couldn't care less.

I love my parents very much! They give me a lot of freedom. 

Music- My parents love the music I listen to. They're taking me to Japan next year just because they love it ^O^~ My dad laughs at me when I sing a long with my favorite songs because he has no idea what I'm saying x3


Clothes- My mom loves the clothes I wear x3 She always comes shopping with me and lets me pick out all of my outfits. She loves all of the bright colors as well as the dark ones. They both don't mind.


Career- My mom loves the fact that i want to become a model photographer. I'm always taking pictures of my sister and my family members. I'm still not sure of what I want to be though. I want to be well-known or famous some day


Reading- My parents could care less xD Unless I'm reading some porn magazine o_______O


Tv- My dad actually watches TV with me :(


Internet- My parents don't want me giving out my number to random people I just met. And when I do, they want to know who it is, etc. ^O^
Wow, you parent's really love everything you do (I underlined it =D).

Um, what's up with the magazines? (Bolded. D=)

Wow, you parent's  really love everything you do (I underlined it =D).
Um, what's up with the magazines? (Bolded. D=)
Yup xDD And I'm just saying, it doesn't mean i do. lmao gross xDDD

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My mom gives me my freedom. She doesn't bother me about the music I listen to, what I wear, the books I read.. She's understanding most of the time and has really sort of told me, "I'm giving you what you want, and if it screws you up, I cannot be held responsible - You asked for it." Though not directly..

I love my mommy. 8D

My dad, on the other hand.. I love him just as much, don't get me wrong. But he's more up tight about those things. From what I can tell, he was raised in a controlling family, so he's the same way.

He usually doesn't say much about it, but he doesn't like going into Hot Topic with me, doesn't like when my mom lets me go into Hot Topic.. Doesn't agree with the music I listen to.. And doesn't bother to ask what kind of books I read. Funny man.

It's hilarious how he tries to get me into other things, though. He always suggests that we shop in places like Old Navy and once, when he was desperate, I guess, Hollister. He freaked out when I ate Fun Dip powder alone because it apparently looked like black lipstick. He walked into the kitchen after I threw the packet away and all he said was, "..NO," and pointed at me. xDDD

He also added oldies to my ipod without my knowledge. I found the Beach Boys in my playlist one day. o.o"

He also added oldies to my ipod without my knowledge. I found the Beach Boys in my playlist one day. o.o"

That, is funny.

I've found my grandma downloading old army music. She played it and my ears begged for pity. it was things like Santa's Got a Tuba. o0



Music- She thinks I listen to too much music. She thinks some of it is okay, but she's more of a Van Halen girl herself xD(She even tries to tell me I was named after Alex Van Halen xD)

But she hates Tokio Hotel and Billy's hair. She says it's too whiny o.o

What I wear- She wishes my pants would flare more, and that I would wear large t-shirts more often xD

Read- Yeah, okay. We both like similar stuff. So that's okay.


Music- He hates everything. He wants me to delete FOB and convert to The Ramones [that's what he tod me xD].

What I wear- He hates it. All of it. Especially my makeup xD

Read- we read a lot of the same books. He even read Death Note before I did xD

I don't really relate to them much, though. They don't like me much. I know that because they've said it.

They like to keep their dictatorship alive.

And I don't deal well with authority.

And they don't deal well with me.

It was hilarious, but at the same time it was scary. D8

He still doesn't know that I removed them already, I'm sure.

I started taking my ipod to school. xD

[SIZE=7pt]My dad put two hours worth of Spongebob and a Japanese soap commercial on my iPod xD[/SIZE]
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