How fast do you type?


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i type really fast but i do it in a "peck way" bye only using ur index fingers XD

I seem to get different results from different typing tests. On the one that I think...Polaroid gave to Tama*Love I scored 78 WPM, and on I got very different results, my latest 68. Hmm.

Yeah, my friends say I'm fast for my age. I'm nine, too. I got lots of practice before when I was addicted to computer play...not too much anymore.

Wowza! I didn't expect this many quick fingers! You're all so fast... it's surprising! You would think on a website like this, there would be a lot of young kids, and slow typers... but think again! The world never ceases to surprise me.


I have no idea. But my teacher told me that I'm probably the fastest typer in the school. I use all of my homerow keys and I don't have to type while looking at the keyboard. Plus, I have good grammar.

I have no idea. But my teacher told me that I'm probably the fastest typer in the school. I use all of my homerow keys and I don't have to type while looking at the keyboard. Plus, I have good grammar.
Yay, good grammar ftw!!!!

:mellow: Okay I'm done.

Ok this part is off topic I'M SORRY but what does FTW stand for? And as I said Before I type 25-30 words or something like dat ^-^ lol.

I type pretty fast; and hardly ever have to use the backspace. But I was beaten over the head with a stick [METAPHORICALLY] of typing when I was in second grade, and if I hadn't abandoned it I would've been even better, but I type as fast as my hands allow me; and I don't really know how fast that is..-looks for test-

Gah. ;_; Only 60 WPM.

I guess I've fallen out of practice...

I used to be able to type 82 WPM. Maybe I'll find that typing program again and practice.

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I'm in the 60-70 WPM (Words per minute) range. How about you? If you're not sure, you can say if you type with all your fingers, or with only your pointer fingers (You know what I mean.), or a mixture of both. I type with all my fingers exept when I'm typing numbers, then I have to look down at my hands and type.
Man, youre the fastest typer I heard of!!!!! I type 54 WPM.

I type at about 80 WPM. I'm not trying to brag, but when I was a freshman we had to take a typing class, and everyone was jealous of me because the fastest typers got candy. I got candy every day. I didn't always type this fast though, so don't feel bad for those of you who can't type so fast.

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