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Dog egg-sits chicken egg and the egg hatches. Chick says, "Mummy!" Dog says, "I'm a boy and i'm not your mummy, you're a chicken, i'm a dog!" Dog takes chicken to see other chickens. "See, now there's some chickens!" Dog says. "Mummy!" chick says. "OK, if you wanna be dog, you've got to be a rough tough mean fighting dog, like this:" Dog attacks a cat. Chick says, "Woof woof mummy!" and runs to it's mum.

*Adapted from The Adentures of Milo and Otis*

xx Chrissy

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I believe I can fly!

Cuz I got shot by the FBI!

And they were eating a piece of pie!

It was pie for a hobo and I!

^ 58%

I believe I can fly!

Cuz I got shot by the FBI!

And they were eating a piece of pie!

It was pie for a hobo and I!
Er, you sorta copied my joke, a few pages back. But don't worry, I'm sure you didn't know. :)

*Turns on TV* I ♥ the fly channel (when it goes black and white and fuzzy) The flies sound so interesting...OO look at 'em go, Go flies go!

xx Chrissy

One day, I saw a massive rainbow a screetches attacking me. But it was really just technical difficulties.

Did you know that needles were invented in the eye of a mole?


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Are you a teacher? Do you know why you always have crossed eyes? I know why...YOU CAN'T CONTROL YOUR PUPILS!!!


Here is your free card deck.

Sweet. This is going straight on to E bay!

(says to My dad)When the universe implodes will I be able to eat the milky way because it small and would fit in my pocket"

(dad replys)No you would explode if you did that


1 and 1/10

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