How has the pandemic treated you?


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Apr 11, 2021
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Hi, I was looking for some threads to reply to, but most were very old and I didn't want to revive them...

How has the pandemic been for you? Have you got into anything because of it?

I am now dieting/exercising, although I wish I would have started it way before this year. I didn't do much during the pandemic before that, but it was a stressful time in my life. Things are better now. I'm also getting back into Tamagotchi, and spending a lot of time online with friends. I've been watching way more media than I usually do (just watched FullMetal Alchemist: Brotherhood).

Last year, the pandemic was really grim and took a toll on my mental health. I wouldn't say I was depressed, but I was feeling very gloomy and frustrated. I desperately needed a job, but no one would hire me, so I would get even more sad. It also didn't help I decided to watch Evangelion, it made me so sad, and affected me. I started to get into more manga/anime with the spare time I had. 

However, 2021 has been very good so far, I managed to get two paid internships last month, and I feel happy now that I can earn money and have something great to add in my resume. I look forward to these upcoming months now. If I could go back in time, I would just reassure myself that things might be better for me this year.

The pandemic has been pretty wild for me, last year my campus shut down out of nowhere making me move all the way from new york to california for the summer, and then back to arkansas in the middle of that summer due to family issues and whatnot... ive done an unfortunate amount of travelling which I'm really starting to hate lol. I don't get out much anyway, so not being around people socially hasn't affected me too much. Most of my classes have been online the past few semesters, which honestly has been a lot better than I thought it would be, and now I worry that I won't be as productive when we switch back to in-person classes LMAO

in Malaysia, when the pandemic first started, the Prime Minister made a speech.

instead of calling it COVID-19, he called it Kobis 19.

and you know what kobis means in malay?

it means cabbage.

so therefore, in Malaysia, it isn't COVID-19 but CABBAGE-19.

ha ha -w- i apologise if it isn't funny for you but eh

To be rather frank, it treated me quite well.  :D

I got to work less, but my job still pays me regardless of how many or little hours are put in. The pure fact that I had employment at all is nice.
I'm not a very sociable person so the fact that I could sit at home all day was pure bliss. Saved a ton of money on not needing to commute.
Wearing a mask all the time actually made me feel slightly more confident on my day to day interactions wherever I went when I needed to (like grocery shopping).
It gave me enough spare time to build a server PC I've been wanting to make for awhile, just had to wait awhile for the parts to come in.

I do realize that I was in a better position than most going into it with my job being what it is, and my usual asocial nature made it easy on me as well. I do genuinely feel bad for those who it affected harder, my brother being one of them as he actually likes seeing people, the total mad man! :lol:
