How lame are you?


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Well-known member
Jan 31, 2008
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Burlington, Ontario, Canada
I am so lame.

I am driving out of the country, to New York, to see David Cook sing at a casino. :angry:

Gah. D:

I am also really lame because I scratched my new contacts.

The first day I got them.

We all do lame things, so let's share!

I'm extremely lame for many reasons. I almost dropped my cellphone down the sink trying to put on chapstick while texting, and then almost dropped it in the toilet while I was talking to Tara and straightening my hair.

I am lame because I burned the microwave and set off the smoke alarm.

I am lame because I dropped the good towel in the bathtub.. twice

I am lame because I didn't attack the other teams offense

I am lame because I went to the mall, and changed out of my pants with the money in them right before we left.

I am lame because I had to write a math measurement exam without my calculator (lost it..)

I am lame because I the bus driver misses my stop

I am lame because I ran insanely with no coat 5 minutes to my bus stop... caught a cold, and didn't even make the bus.

I am lame because I soaked india ink into my hands, and they're burning for days now

I am lame because I forgot to brush my teeth the day I went to the dentist's

I am lame because I bike rode to school in winter at 7 AM, so I wouldn't miss a volleyball practice

I am lame because I should be working on my science fair project but instead I am writing why I am lame

I am lame because I sang Phantom of the Opera and hit a kid in the face

I am lame because I screwed up my double salch at a skating competition

I am lame because I dropped a 5 lb weight on my thigh from 2 metres high

I am lame because I made brownies that were as hard as a book

I am lame because I broke my mom's birthday pie

I am lame because I used to like Shania Twain

I am lame because I don't have any good clothes =(

I am lame because I spilled tomato sauce all over my carpet and no matter what there are multiple red stains on the carpet

I am lame because I still take baths instead of showers =P

I am lame for so many things but I have to stop now because I am getting tired of typing...

this is fun... oh, and one more:

I am lame because think that typing how lame I am is fun.

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I am lame for so many reasons. One is:

I am lame because FOB was on TV for a few seconds singing, and I thought something was wrong with my TV because it wasn't playing any audio. It was on mute and by the time I realized that and got to my remote to un-mute the TV, it was gone :/


I am lame because my best friend and I left the taps in a hotel bathroom on and flooded the room.

I am lame because I cannot go a day without my Chapstick, and will break down if I can't find it.

I am lame because I still make faces in the mirror.

I am lame because I leaned on a closet door and fell into it.

I am lame because my socks never match.

I am lame because I spend so much time on TT with my online friends.

I am lame because I tried to make a pancake the other day and it turned out like a big mushy blob.

I am lame because sometimes I get ketchup in my hair. x__o

I am lame because I spend ages in the morning trying out new hairstyles and in the end just go back to the one I tried in the first place.

I am lame because in 4th grade I lost the class gerbil.

I am lame because I always act like an idiot with my friends in malls.

I am lame because I laugh about something that happened not just yesterday, but about a week back.

I am lame because when I am unsure about something, I just smile really big.

I am lame because everyone says I am brunette on the outside, blonde on the inside.

I am lame because I thought until recently that everyone in Australia walks upside down.

I am lame because I always spill stuff/fall off stuff/knock stuff over/trip over stuff.

I am lame because I keep trying to keep a diary and then forget after 2 days.

I am lame because I have a cold right now (getting better, though!).

I am lame because I am spending this long on a post about lameness.

I am lame because I accidentally took my friend's schoolbook back home with me for revision.

I am lame because everything needs to be explained twice to me.

I am lame because I still sing songs that have gotten really old.

I am lame because I still draw smiley faces on my suns.

And all this lameness is what makes me happy being me. <33

I am lame because I am married to a puffle.

I am lame because I tried doing scene-hair, knowing it wouldnt work, and I broke my comb :(

I am lame because I also draw smiley faces on my suns.

I am lame because no one understands my way of living.

I am lame because I like to sleep in my mums bed.

I am lame because I make cat noises with my mum.

I am lame because I skip across the beach with my mum, singing wizard of oz.

I am lame because most of my friends are online friends.

I am lame because I love beetroot more than chocolate.

I am lame because my bed is stuffed with toys.

I am lame because I am too tall D:

I am llama because my friend just IM'd me and I didnt recognise her and I thought she was a stalker.

I am lame because I just wrote ''I am llama because...'' on purpose.

I am lame because I spend too much time on pointless posts like this.\

I am lame because I am proud of being lame xD

^^Wow, we sure do. I was just reading other posts and came up with 1 more:

I still take baths instead of showers (I am scared of the showers....)

Oh, and one more:

I am lame because I am deeply obsessed with the simpsons and am in love with them.

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i'm lame because i always make mistakes in video games and can't follow directions well. (when someone says "over there", i look to the left, when it was on the right in front of me)

that's how lame i am.

I am lame, because at hockey tournaments me and other teammates run by open hotel room doors, and hiss at the people inside the rooms.

I am lame because I've missed a countless number of concerts for something hockey-related.

I am lame because I always get various limbs caught in doors/lockers/etc.

I am lame because I scream at electronics that are making me mad, like a lagging computer or a video game in which I'm losing. (I swear when I play Wii Tennis, not kidding.)

I am lame because I never read the directions ona box of Pizza Pockts, and they explode in the microwave.

I am lame, because I was watching Punk'd, and when there was a commercial with Fall Out Boy in it, I had to hold my breath in to stop from screaming "HOLY CRAP, IT'S JOE TROHMAN!"

Im lame because I always spill my milk at lunch

Im lame because I tryed doing scene hair and it didn't work

Im lame because im proud to be a reject

Im lame because I almost washed my pants with my ipod in them

Im lame because I Spend most of my time on the computer

Im lame because i spilled most of my glass of water on my floor

Im lame because I did All of my spanish project in one night

Im lame because I ramed into someone going full speed at the door

Im lame because I never finish a book

Im lame because my neclace broke and I was searching around my bra for all the paper clips that came off it in the darkness of a dance

I am lame because I live in a small town.

I am lame because I wish desperately to move to a big city.

I am lame because I want to go to college in Philidelphia.

I am lame because I am doing this right now.

I am lame because I love to go to Goodwill with my friends.

I am lame because I love to take videos.

I am lame because I can't find the USB to put the videos on Youtube.

I am lame because I always procrastinate.

I am lame because I love to watch Disney Channel.

I am lame because I am never happy with myself.

I am lame because I always have material wants.

I am lame because I am in love with yaoi.

I am lame because I spent $14 on a yaoi manga book thing.

I am lame because I talk really fast.

I am lame because I talk really loud.

I am lame because I know every word to every Hannah Montana song.

I am lame because I can't even jump 13 feet in the long jump at track.

I am lame because I bought $75 track shoes but am not going to the next few meets.

I am lame because I look forward to the days I get to ride the bus home.

I am lame because I look forward to the days I get to ride the bus home only because I get a few extra hours to get online.

I am lame because I have an addiction to Mountain Dew.

I am lame because I'm afraid of getting fat because of Mountain Dew.

I am lame because I still drink industrial sized ammounts anyway.

I am lame because I love Desperate Housewives.

I am lame because I think better in the morning. And I wish I had Geometry in the morning.

I am lame because I dropped the expensive digital camera at least three times while I was out trick-or-treating this year - on pavement. And it was my parent's camera.

I am lame because I can never get my hair right.

I am lame because I want to try new clothes and hair styles.

I am lame because when I do try them, I end up going back to where I'm most comfortable - a complete waste.

I am lame because I wish I was famous.

I am lame because I wish people liked me.

I am lame because I wish I was confident.

I am lame because I am so moody.

I am lame because I look for my glasses for sometimes hours, and then realize they were on my face the whole time. And this happens at least once a week.

I am lame because I wish I was pretty.

I am lame because I can think of more reasons why I am lame.

Yesh, but you havent met Sooslik. He is my special sock ball. He is very special cuz he is made entirely out of socks.
So yesh, now you have met Spongey, Puffle (His actual name is Marshmellow) and now Sooslik.

very lame. :angry:

I wish I had such a great husband. :rolleyes:

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