How long is your hair?


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My hair is about shoulder lenght. But its also layered, xD.

♥ _Chitosaii

My hair is really long. xD I don't plain on cutting it anytime soon, even though it gets in the way more and more everyday. I love it long. ><



My hair is really long. xD I don't plain on cutting it anytime soon, even though it gets in the way more and more everyday. I love it long. >< 

I want my hair to be shorter.. o.o xD.

Like not shorter, just more layered.

My friend, Drew, her hair is like mine but its like layered to the extreme.


♥ _Chitosaii

My used to be about half way down my back. I liked it there! But, just this afternoon, we went to the hairdressers...

She cut of a chunk about this big (down)

















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Right now, it's mid-length. About ear/jaw level. But I used to have a shaved head, which was brilliant.

Short hair I only have a speck of hair right now! I get haircuts once every two weeks though.

I[SIZE=21pt] ♥ [/SIZE]My HAIR (No Hair)

My hair is about shoulder-length, maybe a bit longer. I don't like getting my hair cut, because my mom always cuts it when its wet, and when it dries its way too short. But for now I think the length is fine! :mametchi:

I usually wear it in pig-tails, so between shoulders and chest, and all down, it goes down to my chest! :mametchi:

My hair is about an inch above my shoulders. Mabye a bit more, I'm to lazy to measure it :mametchi:


My hair is near my chin but little lower. I usually wear it in ponytails.

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