how long is your hair?


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^ Hehe play with your hair. People always go a ninja on me from behind and start twirling around my hair. It scares me sometimes. o_O

I cut my hair. > ;)

Now it's above my shoulders. The lady didn't cut it the way I wanted, but eh, it looks good.

I kinda miss my long hair though. ;-;

It's to shoulders at the moment, but it IS usually pretty long... :eek:

my hair is about in the middle of my back my mom keep on telling me "you need a haircut!!!" but i hate haircut! maybe i will cut my hair when its really long. i also have bangs like in my avatar (actually my avatar is me) the color of my hair is pure balck

My hair's all wavy in a bushy way so it goes almost to my mid-back. When it's straight it goes just past my mid back. I like it better straight :eek: :D

When its natural/wavy, it's to shoulders

Straight its about to my chest area. I have layers and straight fringe

my hair is about in the middle of my back my mom keep on telling me "you need a haircut!!!" but i hate haircut! maybe i will cut my hair when its really long. i also have bangs like in my avatar (actually my avatar is me) the color of my hair is pure balck
Sorry for double post >_>

But thats not you Dx I found that pic on a Website and it was called "Emo girl with cool nails" ;P

Fake Pictures = Not cool :|

My hair is really, really long.

Everyone at school thinks I need a haircut. ._.;

(actually my avatar is me)
Hey! Thats not you! I saw that pic on Google images. You have lied before in your topic about how cute your pets were. It's not cool to say your someone else! I am ashamed! >8(

Yeah, as I stated in my last post, I just chopped all my hair off, so It's about a few inches long. My natural hair colour has almost completely come through. I only have a few orange bits left in it now =] Once all the orange is gone I WILL actually grow my hair long again lol.

My hair is naturally very thick, and I usually go to get it thinned out, but once it gets long again I wont bother, because it looks nice when its long and thick.

My hair also gets more wavy as it gets longer. Right now, It only kinks at the ends because its so short but when it was long I had nice waves and a few loose curls.

Up to my shoulders lol I have a friend who wears pigtails and I used to always pull her hair lol she moved though! </3

My hair's just below the bottom of my neck. I've always liked my hair short. :)

But I'm 1 out of 4 girls in my CLASS who has short hair...

Yea, long hair is very popular in middle school. :(

I can't really tell, my hair is alot longer in the front, and shorter in the back.

Mine used to be to my first rib, and it was naturally straight.

But I cut it, and now it's like, two inches above my shoulders, with side bangs.

I like it better now, because it made my face look fat when it was long.

Right now the hair color is my natural red/blond/brown color. It's like cinnamon. It changes.

Sometime last year I dyed it dark brown, however it happened, I ended up with purple streaks. xD wtf

Tonight I'm going blond 8D Exciting!!!

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