How long was your longest Relationship for?


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Anime girl

Well-known member
Dec 27, 2005
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In Canada~ Ruling the world. >:O
[SIZE=13pt]So how long was the longest relationship you've ever had with anyone before?[/SIZE]

Was it a week? Month? Year? xP~

So far I'm up to 9 months. And still going. ^-^~


But what about you people? ;)

Well, my relationship only lasted for 4 days. But I just put one week

Over 1 year.

Sadly I found out he was cheating on me.

And I had another Boyfriend, we broke up on sunday, I think.

He also cheated on me.. with my "Best friend."

What is with boys and cheating on me. =|

I'm in a good relationship right now, with the right guy. He's really sweet, and doesn't push it. He'll wait until I'm comfortable.

I'm pretty sure it's been about 3 or 4 months now, and still going.

But he may be moving to another city, and into another school. We've already talked about it, and agreed that if he does move over this summer, we just stay good friends.

I voted never... but I wasn't thinking about that one time when I was... uh... I think 8 or 9, when this guy and I were closer than friends. It didn't last longer a couple of months. We never told each other, but we both knew about it. Lol... I was such a silly little girl.


0 seconds

the longest lasting 6th grade relation ship is still going since september now its almost june

avrige=sevral days to a week

[SIZE=7pt]One month, spent with the worst boyfriend I've ever had. :|[/SIZE]

I'm thirteen, so I'm not deep into relationships just yet.

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