How many ppl have you dated?


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No one. I do admit I have fallen for my best friend, and liked him for over a year, but I don't have the guts to ask him out.

Still, I'm only 14 and I have a lot of life to go, and maybe dating is just a waste of time.

I don't think the quantity of people you date is really important. As they say quality is often better than quantity, and I would prefer few people that last a long time and are satisfactory more than tons of people I don't know all that well.

I have gone out with plenty of friends that are boys, but none as an actual boyfriend, just to go to the movies, make films, go skating, visiting places and so on which I expect is equally gratifying.

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I totally agree with Spiffy, Dating is a waste of time that when the next 'hot' girl comes along I will be yesterdays news.

You know?


i have dated only 4 guys but they were not long.

the longest was about like 3 weeks. :eek: well they were

the ones tht asked me out an the funny thing was tht they

all were the ones tht dumped me.i find tht amusing.

what jerks.

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Boyfriend #1 just decided we were better off friends and we're still friends.

Boy #2 cheated..never going to talk to that loser again.

My 3rd boyfriend moved to Australia.

The 4th one died from a car accident...

#5 was using me.

Pretty much all of the breakups happened differently.

recently, I started to realize I'm starting to crush on my best friend..

I'm reallt afraid to dat because every relationship turns out differently and I'm scared to see what happens next if this weird pattern of different breakups keeps continuing.

To be honest, none. I'm not gonna waste my time on guys I'm just going to get heart broken over before it even begins, I'm waiting for the right guy :hitodetchi:

Hundreds. Thousands. All of them have been named 'Book'. And I have spent half my life with said books.

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The first one was mean to my friends and never let me spend time with them,

The second recently broke up with me for an unknown reason.

I still love her though ;)


And I still am. I have for a year and a half. :3

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