how many skill points...


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Mar 19, 2007
Reaction score
how many skill points do u need to graduate?

and i got anyother question how can u tell the skill point symbols from one another. i know the pencil in intellegance what about the other 2?

yeah it does he/she asked "my second question is" i know what the first one is "but what about the other two" and i said "i know what the second one is and thats the how mad it gets." and i just figured out what the last one is it's the fashion. :mellow:

The skills are (from top to bottom) intelligence, arts and social.

First of all, you don't need a certain amount of points in any section to graduate. You graduate after about 24 hours of adulthood. Second of all, did you know you can SWITCH teachers? For example, if you want more points in the "Arts/Fashion" Section, when you get the [!] for school, press the A button ONCE (after you get there) to switch teachers. Then, if you win the School game, you get 4 more arts/ Fashion points. Here's how to play the school game:

The teacher always puts a little sign in the third box. Start there. There will be two boxes flashing at once. If the box the little icon is in is FLASHING, it means it traded places with the other flashing box. If it isn't, its still there. Afterwards, use the A button to move your Tamgotchi under the boxes and press the B button to choose the correct box.

You can only play this game TEN times to get points. Afterwards, no points will be given. For example, you get eight out of the ten times? Well, you can't play the other two games to make up for it. You will only get thirty four points. Sometimes (I don't know why) ou only get THREE points for each win. Whatever.

Anyway, you want points in the Intelligence section? Get the turtle teacher (Mr. Turtlepedia)

Want fashion points for each win? Press the A button once for the Flower teacher.

The kindness/ social points are given out by Mr. Canvas (who got his name because he supposedly painted his own face)

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