How many tamas will you have after Christmas?


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Well-known member
Oct 12, 2008
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The moon
Just list what tams you have (if you want) and then list the ones you want and how many you are gonna have after the holidays! :p


I think I'm gonna have..... uhh.... twelve or thirteen.

I have ten at the moment..

1 V1

2 V2s

4 V3s

1 V4

1 V4.5

1 V5 Celebrity

And I want this $8 V5 off the inter-webs, A MUSIC STARR, and this pretty peacock v4.5 from WALGREENZ :D

I might get the v4.5, I might not, it depends :eek:


One more than I have now (couldn't be bothered counting).

I want another V4 or V4.5. :D

I'm too lazy to count, but probably 19 or 20.

I'm getting myself a music star (well, technically my mom getting it for me because of a good report card)

and my aunt is getting me a music star. - A- 2 of my aunts told me to stop playing with tamagotchis cause I'm too old.

I have 8 right now.

And my aunt bought me four (+pack of charms!)

I thiunk from my other aunt, 1.

Im raising money to get myself a Music Star, snice my parents said they arent getting me tamas for christmas >.>

But they might be lying!:3


So that'll be about,

About 14 :]

But!I think thats the least, I am not sure how many I am getting, since it isn't Christmas yet. :]

And some of my Uncles are giving me money.So with the money they give me, I hope to have enough to buy a Tama+Color!!! :3

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I haven't counted my collection in over a year, but it will be 150+. I am only getting one or two Tamagotchi this year for Christmas, but I purchase them fairly frequently online. I also recently purchased a V5 Celebrity edition, and I would like a Music Star. And a non-Tamagotchi virtual pet, I have my eye on a ducky one.

If I could get a Santaclautchi I'd be over the moon, but I can't afford one right now.

And isnt this in he wrong place too? -_-

This is Non-TamaTalk.And we are talking about tamas >.>


Hmm, I'm not sure. At the moment, I have 6 - A p2, v1, v3, v4, v4.5, and v5. I'm hoping that after Christmas I'll have 8, adding a v2 and v5 celebrity.

Ohh yeah I forgot about the moneys I will be getting for Christmas.... Maybe 2 Music Stars? I know Santa will be getting me one (I'm pretty sure) but I am sure I will want another one XD

And, maybe if I'm really really super lucky, I will win one of the 12 Days of Tamagotchi, Music Stars -_-

Hey, has anyone heard if the Tamawalkie is coming out it the U.S. anytime soon? because I really want one of those, too. Those are so COOL! I havent heard about them in a long time.

What are Tamawalkies? Oh, never mind, I'll do the research.

I will have maybe 3 or 4

One a Music Star from Santa (I think) and maybe a nother V5 from my uncle because he can only find V5 tamagotchis.

Probably no more.

At most, maybe 1 or 2.

I seriously doubt it because my dad doesn't want me playing with my Tamagotchis anymore :(

I currently have 17.

I want a Music Star for Christmas and maybe one more, but nothing too much.

So maybe 18 or 19 after Christmas. :]

Oh, I forgot, I'm getting 2 music stars and a tamagotchi chibi.

Oh, I forgot, I'm getting 2 music stars and a tamagotchi chibi.

WaIt: Japanese Chibi or American Mini?

I always get confused XD

I GOTS MONEYS TODAY SO TOMORROW IM GONNA GO TO WALGREENS AND GET A v4.5! So hmmm... I dont know how many I will have now.... unless I already added this one to my list...

I love talking about collections :) So much fun

EDIT: OOPS! Sorry D: I already posted the Walgreens one... but now I know when I'm gonna buy it :D I'm horrible when it comes to money-spendin' D:

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