How obsessed is to obsessed?


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Is it bad to be obsessed with angelgotchi and/or any tama?

  • NO WAY! The more obsessed the better.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • It depends.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • YES! It's just not healthy!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I don't really know, I never really thought about it.

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Well-known member
Oct 6, 2005
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I am so obsessed with my angelgotchi and tamas in general I always put it in it's mini keeper when I go out side because I am afraid it will get cold. Yesterday my orchestra class took a field trip to see the colorado symphony and we had to do some walking, it was cold so I took off my coat and bundled up my angel just so it would stay warm! I have trained myself to wake up several times in the night to make sure all of my tamas are safe and warm, I sleep with my angelgotchi! I am cowardinating several different little christmas costumes for my tamas! I have driven all of my friends insane talking about/to my tamas especialy my angelgotchi. I start yelling at people when they call my angelgotchi a "Oh isn't that one of those neo pet thingies?" I keep a little book full of tama logs, I also was verry involved when my best friend baught her first morino. There is no doupt that I am obsessed, the question is is it bad to be obsessed?

it depends how obsessed u are. i ur 2 obsessed it can b a problem :D :D

You can NEVER be too obssessed with any tama. I, for one, am becoming more and more obssessed with my morino. Sheesh! You people thinking that being too obssessed is a problem. :ph34r:

I voted you can never become obsessed.

For instance, I just bought my second tama a few minutes ago. When walking home(its blistering cold out its snowing too) I took off my hat and bundled the tamagotchi in it. Lol. I was cold walking 30 minutes home. Oh well :ph34r:

I voted you can never become obsessed.
For instance, I just bought my second tama a few minutes ago. When walking home(its blistering cold out its snowing too) I took off my hat and bundled the tamagotchi in it. Lol. I was cold walking 30 minutes home. Oh well :p
Did you mean the more obsessed the better because you can never become obsessed is not an answer.

I am a picky person.

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You can NEVER be too obssessed with any tama. I, for one, am becoming more and more obssessed with my morino. Sheesh! You people thinking that being too obssessed is a problem. :p
I never said that it was bad to be obsessed, I for one really love being obsessed I just wanted to hear other peoples opinions on this subject.

yes I mean the more obsessed the better, sorry! I stated it wrong. :p

I remember being that way when I was around your age. :unsure: I would often go to sleep holding my favorite Tama in my right hand, and wake up the next morning in the very same position, still holding my Tama. My virtual pets were sooooo important to me, and I doted on them. Things like putting them to bed each tucked away in a sock inside a shoe box nearby my bed. I kept logs of data, and I was the virtual pet advisor to all of my school mates. Maybe it seemed a little odd to some, but i really enjoyed it and it made me happy, so I don't see it as a bad thing! I am not that way anymore, but I still feel the virtual pet craze hit me from time to time, and I love it! I become a Tama buying fiend! lol


i'm obsesed with my tama it's not even funny. if it beeps, i drop what i'm doin and fix it. if my friend borrows it to try to make babies(if i put that in the wrong way soz) i always tell them, and even make a list, of what to do. if they die, i EXPLODE!!!!!

i'm obsesed with my tama it's not even funny. if it beeps, i drop what i'm doin and fix it. if my friend borrows it to try to make babies(if i put that in the wrong way soz) i always tell them, and even make a list, of what to do. if they die, i EXPLODE!!!!!
Yeah this one time I was really close to beating this pc game and my tama called me so I shoved the key board away and to this day I still have not beaten that game! I have never had a tama die since connectons leave for tama planet and angelgotchi's just leave for tama heaven. If one did I would not go to school for two months.

I am so obsessed with my angelgotchi and tamas in general I always put it in it's mini keeper when I go out side because I am afraid it will get cold. Yesterday my orchestra class took a field trip to see the colorado symphony and we had to do some walking, it was cold so I took off my coat and bundled up my angel just so it would stay warm! I have trained myself to wake up several times in the night to make sure all of my tamas are safe and warm, I sleep with my angelgotchi! I am cowardinating several different little christmas costumes for my tamas! I have driven all of my friends insane talking about/to my tamas especialy my angelgotchi. I start yelling at people when they call my angelgotchi a "Oh isn't that one of those neo pet thingies?" I keep a little book full of tama logs, I also was verry involved when my best friend baught her first morino. There is no doupt that I am obsessed, the question is is it bad to be obsessed?
well, this wouldn't just be a cry of attention from your side would it?

im not so sure i believe you in this.. but okay.

you'r no obsessed, you just have a really really strong bonding to your little toy.

this actually go as deep as maternal instincts, i really love my tama that much. i see it for what it really is, possibly the greatest friend in the world, besides my electric guitar off course.

Im 21 years old and bring my tama to work everyday.

i'd say being obbsessed is a good thing!

Back in 97 i thought of my tama's as family, they went where i went and did what i did... and even saw what i saw! I still to this day think of them that way and do everything with them. I also think of them this way:

"there a friend when i have no firends, someone to talk to when no one listens, they never talk back and are always there to cheer me up!"

thats my look on the virtual pet life.

Hey webster04, you sound like me! Great outlook on Tamagotchis, I agree with ya. :D When I was teaching Ballroom Dancing earlier this year, I only had five minutes break in between each 40 minute private lesson, and I would use that time to take care of my Tamas and any other virtual pet I had running. Sometimes they would get annoyed with me because I was a minute or two late, but I had to finish the darn game or meal! hehe


I was so obsessed, before i got my tamagotchi, that I wanted one for months, and I begged to borrow my friends tamagotchi, and then finally, I got one.

But time really flies when you have a tamagotchi, even when your at school.

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I was so obsessed, before i got my tamagotchi, that I wanted one for months, and I begged to borrow my friends tamagotchi, and then finally, I got one.But time really flies when you have a tamagotchi, even when your at school.
too true... i cared for tama's from 7th grade to 12th grade and got a few taken away but i still brought more the next day!!!

If you love your pet THAT much, I don't think there is anything wrong with it. I hope I stay into tamas for the rest of my life especially since most guys seem to not stay into 'em as long. I want to be different.

Why is it that guys seem like they don't play /w/ Tamagotchis as long as girls do? :D It dosen't make much sense.



I guess some guys things it's sissy to play with them. I dunno, I'm not a guy.

I used to be obsessed with Tamagotchis when they first came out but my parents refused to let me have one. Now i have one and I bought a tamagotchi angel off Ebay but it's not here yet but I'm not so obsessed, I just like them.

I think it's OK to be a little obsessed just as long as you can still do other things as well.

I start yelling at people when they call my angelgotchi a "Oh isn't that one of those neo pet thingies?"
Why shouldn't you yell? that's like pointing at a pile of dirty diapers and asking if it's the Mona Lisa.

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