How often do you go on Tamatalk?


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Pretty Much Everyday. ^^

Though In December of 07 along with a week or so in January 08 I wasn't around because The Water was frozen at my house and The pipes burst and stuff. So there was no water

So my mom and I were at my Grandma's house at that time.

Lately, I go on everyday. Well I think I have almost gone on everyday for a long time, but I make a post everday now. o0

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Like once every three days because I'm kinda too busy to get on as much as I used too and I go on gaia now so yea lol.

Sadly, everyday.

TamaTalk is addicting.

There was one time where I wasn't on for months, that is when I took my "TamaTalk Vacation"

But otherwise, I am on everyday.

I go on nearly every single day, unless taking long breaks count. :)

-Temari Nara

I put other because I am not here almost everyday, I am her everyday! xD

I will admit, some days I do go without, but rarely.

I put other because I am not here almost everyday, I am her everyday! xD
I will admit, some days I do go without, but rarely.
But you are a guide, right? You are supposed to come on everyday.

Being a guide sounds tough...





Unless it is totally and completely impossible, I am here on the compi, dedicated to Roleplay and TamaCHAT.

TamaCHAT owns ;D I couldn't live without my chat buddehs.

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