How old do you have 2 be to have a girlfriend?


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Well-known member
Mar 2, 2008
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I am almost 12 and I have a girlfriend, we don't hold hands or kiss on the lips or anything.

(Truth or Dare don't count)

But how old in your opinion to have a serious relationship?

I am almost 12 and I have a girlfriend, we don't hold hands or kiss on the lips or anything.(Truth or Dare don't count)

But how old in your opinion to have a serious relationship?
I'm not that much older than you (I'm 14), but even so there are some kids in my grade that are in or have been in serious relationships and they regret it.

My philosophy is that during upper elementary (i.e. around 5th and 6th grade) being in the "looking at cute guys/girls" stage is best.

During middle school, (7th-8th grade) being in the "experimental" stage (going out with guys/girls but not getting into serious relationships, just to find out what you like in someone)

And then in high school, college, and so on perhaps serious relationships are a good idea. But it's a good idea to not get married before you graduate high school.

I agree with mimitchis_rock13579.

I have a friend that was in a "I like you, you like me" kind of relationship (They did make mouth to mouth contact.. nothing major). Turns out, he was pressured into the entire thing, and he told me the entire situation from his side of the story, and I had a long talk with her... it didn't end well. There I go again, getting carried away again. Maybe you got something out of that little story.

I don't think making the same decision as my friend so early would not be wise. But enough listening to my opinion, you should just follow your heart and do what is right.


A SERIOUS relationship would be maybe in the early 20's and so on. Kids, your age don't know what 'true love' is. It's not about getting butterflies when you see the person you like or anything, it's completely different.

A SERIOUS relationship would be maybe in the early 20's and so on. Kids, your age don't know what 'true love' is. It's not about getting butterflies when you see the person you like or anything, it's completely different.
Well between 17 and early 20's was the case for me and my first ever relationship was my long term serious one.

And even when it ended since I was friends with him before all of it for so long that it all worked out in the end :) He's my best friend and always will be, so serious things can still happen under 20, I think it's moreso the maturity that's involved.

Well between 17 and early 20's was the case for me and my first ever relationship was my long term serious one.
And even when it ended since I was friends with him before all of it for so long that it all worked out in the end ^_^ He's my best friend and always will be, so serious things can still happen under 20, I think it's moreso the maturity that's involved.
If you are in a serious reltionship and are planning to have babies, remeber the SAFE * sex accrinom. SURE of the facts. AGED 16 or over. FREE from stress. EMOTIONALLY sorted.

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i don't believe what you guys are saying (no offense meant, of course).

im sorry, but true love has nothing to do with how old you are. but to be in a serious relationship, at least 15 years old, i think. but otherwise, back to what you guys were saying before, true love has nothing to do with how old you are, but yes, maturity does count. you should be mature to be in a serious relationship, get to know the person a lot. like that. know what she (or he) likes, doesnt like. dont be the jeleous type. but yeah, my over all opinion is, at least 15, maybe 13 at the earliest.

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Sure age counts somewhat. People can be immature at any age. I know a lot of people who don't take their relationship seriously at fifteen and thirteen. You're kind of saying that age doesn't matter, then why are you putting an age for when a serious relationship starts? Serious relationships contain true love.

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I am almost 12 and I have a girlfriend, we don't hold hands or kiss on the lips or anything.(Truth or Dare don't count)

But how old in your opinion to have a serious relationship?
[SIZE=9pt]Well depends if you're mature enough to have a girlfriend. Usually when you're 9-14 them relationships don't really last long and tend not to hurt you as much. It really depends on whether you're ready to get hurt. I'm not being harsh but relationships are tough. So if you feel ready to have a girlfriend then ti's your decision. So long as you're mature enough not to be stupid, then the age isn't much of an object, if you're not going far.* Hope that helped or am I babbling nonsense?[/SIZE]

[SIZE=8pt]*Age is a big object if you're going further...which I doubt you will at 11 but just saying, because you really don't want to be a young parent. Not that I'm saying you will, just be safe.[/SIZE]

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I had my first serious relationships this year. I'm about 15.

But I don't think you can put on age on that, personally.



I honestly think a reasonable age for a Boy/Girlfriend is around 14-16. If, you know, you want to be serious, not just like friends. If you want to be just friends, then I say any age.

It really all depends on how good you'll be about it. Like my friend collects boyfriends. She claims she has 4 boyfriends, and she changes "Boyfriends" every week. Don't do that, or sooner or later everyone will hate you.

I am almost 12 and I have a girlfriend, we don't hold hands or kiss on the lips or anything.(Truth or Dare don't count)

But how old in your opinion to have a serious relationship?
I think that is fine. As long as you don't smooch or kiss or anything serious like that. See, I have a girlfriend, but we just talk and spend time together. We don't kiss or anything. The worst we have done was just a hug. That's it.

If you are mature enough, then yes. If you aren't, then no. As long as you don't do anything serious, you will be fine.


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