How old is 'old'?


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Well-known member
Feb 9, 2009
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Hey! So, I have a question.

I've heard some members talking about being "original" Tamagotchi fans, or something like that. Everyone has their own opinion of what original is, and I'd like to hear yours.

Mine is old enough to remember the P1/P2s, but maybe not have played with them. Then they played with V1s onward. :)


I think I would have to say old would be playing with the P1's and P2's, because thats when tamagotchis were really popular, and original means... original! And the P1's and P2's were pretty much the originals.

I say it's people who got into Tamas five years or more ago.

I mean, I feel like I've been a Tamagotchi fan for ages, and I have because I bought Tamas when V4s were in stores and that's not exactly new. Because in the future, old will mean people who were around when the iD L was released. Everyone goes from new - people who just got into Tamas, like my friend - to old. If my friend stays into Tamas until she's twenty, she will be classified as an old Tama fan even though she got into Tamas after the release of the iD L!

Currently, I'd say that P1 or P2 players are very old Tama fans, Angel/Devil/Morino players are quite old, earlier Connection players are a bit old and V5+ players are new. So I am kind of a bit old because I got my first Tama as a V4 (and still have it today!).

~ Dazzmina ~

I think when people mention original tamas they mean the first tamagotchis to be launched. (P1s/P2s).

Those were the original tamagotchis (the first) - also often called 1st generation or Gen1. And anyone who was into them when they were originally launched could be described as an "original tama" fan.

I don't think the intention is to somehow use the word "original" to suggest that they're better than other tama fans who discovered tamas when the V1s or later versions were launched - only that they were fans of the first tamas launched back in 1997.

So, I think it's a misunderstanding of what "original" means in this context.

(of course, that is only my opinion) :p

As for "old"... well doesn't that just depend on how old we were when we discovered tamas and became fans??? Some of us were only 5 years old - some of us were 15 years old and some were... well... older than that!

If you were 5 yrs old in 1997 at the launch of the Gen 1 then you would be around 20yrs old now. That might seem "very old" to some ppl (but it sounds pretty young to me!) ;)

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I remember in grade 1, Tamagotchis exploded and everyone had one. I was more of a Nano Kitty kind of guy though. XD That was back in 1996. I didn't actually get my first Tama until grade 9 in 2004 I believe, it was a purple and white camo V1. Now I'm 21 years old and I just rekindled my love for Tamas. I am currently running a V3. :3

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