How old is to old...


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This is why I like you, Sweet Kandi. 83
Look, if there is free chocolate involved, you are never to young.

End of story.
Couldn't have said it better. I plan on doing it every every year until I'm 25. Although I have a feeling that once I'm in highschool, so.... in two halloweens I'll be partying instead of TorTing. Lol. I just realized that my abbreviation for trick or treating spells Torting. LOL wtf's TORTING?!?! That's my new special word. Torting. I'm off topic now.

tortles!(<- that's my special word in 'les' form! XD)


It's a bit weird to see older kids (age 15 or more) going around in groups of 4-6 trick or treating.

They can look frightening all dressed up in their costumes and some little kids can find it quite freaky - especially if the older ones are all hyper too.

Two years ago a group of older kids went around our neighbourhood throwing eggs at front doors if people didn't answer :p that kinda spoiled things for everyone else.

I go along Trick or Treating - but not to get candy, just to keep an eye on the younger members of my family and make sure they are safe.

HELLO?! I LOVE TRICK OR TREATING! I'm 13 AND I'm from Australia. :3

Last year, my friends went trick or treating and they went to this lady's house. She didn't have lollies, so she gave them a loaf of bread. xD

Then they went to the Fish and Chips shop and got FREE Dim Sims. :3

This year, I'm coming with them, and we're GOING back to that lady's house. I'll con her to give us a cake. xD

Maybe this year I'll go as a punk rocker. > :)


PFT> dam why pay for candy wehn you could get it for free?

i'm tottly going this year then to the creepy maze its goiing too be amazig

Well, Halloween was freakin' awesome. I had so much fun. 8D

But there was a lot of controversy over trick-or-treating for us.

Where my friends and I trick-or-treated at, a lot of the adults were saying we were too old for it. Dx And they weren't even trying to whisper. It's like, HELLO. We can hear you!

We are all 14. I don't think that's too old, or is it?

So, a lot of people were "whispering" that we were too old to be out there. A FEW HOUSES WOULDN'T EVEN GIVE US CANDY. We would go up and do the whole, "trick-or-treat" thing, but they would tell us they were out of candy. So the kids behind us would go up, and they would get candy. We were seriously like WTF.

So I came home after going to my friend's house for a while and hitting a haunted house thing and stuff. My mom was like, "Oh, how was it? Did you get a lot of candy?" I was like NO. Some houses wouldn't even give us candy, and for some reason we hardly covered any ground. My mom said, "Well you guys must have been screwing around." I was like WHAT. We're not that immature. We didn't run from house to house, but we walked at a moderate pace, like we do any Halloween.

I got plenty of candy, but it doesn't even compare with previous years. My candy pile compared to my younger brother's this year is pathetic. He has at least 3x as much.

I went up to shower, and my mom checked my Halloween bag. Her voice carries (mine does too) so I could hear her upstairs. "Oh my God she really didn't get a lot of candy!"

Then she told me we were probably too old for trick-or-treating. sad.gif She said I could go, as I'm small for my age, 5"1'. But my one friend, Maria, who is actually the 2nd youngest in our group of 7, is 6"1'. My mom was like, "Well, she's so tall, she shouldn't go trick-or-treating anymore. She looks much older than what she is. And Toni's heavy-set, so she probably shouldn't go anymore either. But you could probably get away with it."

I was like WTF. So if you're tall, you can't go trick-or-treating is what she's saying. That's like telling a fat kid they can't go because they're too fat. I don't think that's fair. So I can go because I'm short, but if you're tall you can't? I dunno, that's just not right in my opinion.

I still had a great time with my friends on Halloween, but did anyone else run into this problem? I know a lot of you are around my age and went. Did we just get a bad neighborhood that had a lot of younger kids in it?

Then she told me we were probably too old for trick-or-treating. sad.gif She said I could go, as I'm small for my age, 5"1'. But my one friend, Maria, who is actually the 2nd youngest in our group of 7, is 6"1'. My mom was like, "Well, she's so tall, she shouldn't go trick-or-treating anymore. She looks much older than what she is. And Toni's heavy-set, so she probably shouldn't go anymore either. But you could probably get away with it."
I was like WTF. So if you're tall, you can't go trick-or-treating is what she's saying. That's like telling a fat kid they can't go because they're too fat. I don't think that's fair. So I can go because I'm short, but if you're tall you can't? I dunno, that's just not right in my opinion.

I still had a great time with my friends on Halloween, but did anyone else run into this problem? I know a lot of you are around my age and went. Did we just get a bad neighborhood that had a lot of younger kids in it?
I think your Mom was just saying that your problem is that you guys look too old.

It's just you interpreting it defensively because of your experience this year.

If you want to get candy and you don't want any hassle about being too old, then use your judgement. If you are tall or heavy set, other adults who don't know you will believe you're older.

It's difficult to judge.

In the UK the Trick or Treat thing is not such a big event as in the USA and over here, there are still teens that go trick or treating but I do get the feeling that some teens are just too old.

Having said that, I notice you have a little brother :furawatchi:

My top tip for next year is to go around with him and bask in the reflected glory of his youthful cuteness - you may well get more candy that way ;)

(and go for a "cute" childish costume - like a kitten - don't go all made up like an older teen might go as a vampire or devil..)

Anyhoo.. glad you had a good time, despite the set back :furawatchi:

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Well, I'm 12 and I went out trick or treating.

With 3 friends, alone.

I got some free candy, then ate until my stomach hurt.

It was quite fun.

I don't know what age is too old because one of the friends I went with was a 16 year old boy. But I would say, once you're out of high school, or even still in it, you're probably going to be moving on to bigger and better things on Halloween like parties with scary movies, etc. Plus when someone opens their door to find high school and college students there, trick or treating, they'd probably be a little freaked out.

Having said that, I notice you have a little brother :furawatchi: My top tip for next year is to go around with him and bask in the reflected glory of his youthful cuteness - you may well get more candy that way :furawatchi:

(and go for a "cute" childish costume - like a kitten - don't go all made up like an older teen might go as a vampire or devil..)
That's a good idea. Thank you. ;)

As long as he lets me go with him. He's getting older now too, and may not like the idea of his older sister trailing with him. XDD

Or I could always go to one of my friend's houses in the coming years and help them pass out candy, as my house doesn't get any trick-or-treaters. We can buy a few extra bags of candy for ourselves and still dress up. :D

Thank you for your advice. ;DD

I think once you've reached adult stage it's a good time to stop :p

The oldest people I've known to go trick-or-treating were about 15 -ish- but they were really well dressed up :unsure:

So yeah, once your an adult it might be a good time to stop ;)

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I've never been trick-or-treating, actually. D:
AHHH!!! you've never been trick-or-treating! GO NEXT YEAR!!! :huh:

Go out every year until you find it dumb or you don't care anymore.

But, usually when you're in highschool, you'll either not TOT any more because it make make you seem like a "baby" if none of your friends do it, or, like phobo said, you'll be out partying.


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