How Old Where You When You Got Your First Tama?


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Lithium Gotchi

Well-known member
Mar 7, 2008
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Your Tama's batteries.
Also, what was your first Tama when it evolved into an adult?

I was just curious. I got my first Tama when I was like, six or seven years old. o_O It was a v1 and my first adult was a Kuchipatchi. ^^ His name was Fluff.


((( EDIT: [SIZE=8pt] Sorry if there's already a poll like this, didn't see it ;_; [/SIZE])))

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I was 28 when I got my first one, a pink diamond v2 my daughter gave me. I now have about 14 of them, including 4 Japanese tams.

:( ;) :p

I was 10 when I got my first it was a V2 (Sniff I miss it) and my first adult I had was Pyonkchitchi

I was eight, and it was a V2. :huh:

The first adult I had was a Pochitchi :D .

I was in Year 3. (That is Grade 4 I think...)

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I was 7 years. I got a transparent orange V2 :D

My first adult was a mametchi :huh:


My first tamagotchi was when I was 12, and I got a leopard spotted P2 tamagotchi. It became a mimitchi :D

Before that though I got my first virtual pet EVER not too long before that, and it was a nano kitty. Unfortunately it got stolen years ago. Luckily I think I made up for it lol.

Got my first tama when I was 10. It evolved into a Mametchi! :huh: Since then, Mametchi has been my favorite character. Oh, and my first tamagotchi version was the v3. :D

I got my tama when I was like 8 or 9. I was the v1 with. it was white with like multicolored fruit loops on it. or like lifesavers. I really don't like it now.

I was eleven. It was a V4 right when it came out. My Tama was a boy that evolved into Harutchi then Y.Mametchi then Mametchi. His name was Boxer. That was a Growth worthy for a book. It was a perfect Mame growth! O_O

I was 11 when I got my first tamagotchi, which was a V1, when the V1's first came out 4 years ago. The first adult was a gozarutchi. After that I started collecting them. I now have 2 V1's, 1 V2', 2 V3's, 2 V4's, 2 V4.5's, 2 V5's, 1 UraTama, 1 Tamagotchi Angel, 1 P1, 1 Osutchi, 1 Mesutchi. Which a total of 16 tamagotchis. I'm now 15.


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I was 11, and it was the 1997 white tama with grey buttons. Not sure what my first tama character was though.

hahah I hear ya.

I got my very first tamagotchi in 1997. I believe it was green and red. XD That was ten years ago so it's kinda hard to remember.

And I always remember getting the tama in the pot that looked like a venus fly trap XDXD

that one or the duck looking one!XD

I think I was in 3rd grade when I had my very first Tamagotchi (now I'm 23 years old). It was given to me by my best friend. It was white with pink swirl patterns. It grew up to 16 years old, it was a Mimitchi. I kinda feel bad because I didn't took care of it like I do now with my new v4 and v4.5 Tamas (both green, my fave color, a Memetchi and Pukatchi). I can still remember that I always took my first Tama to school and it beeps while we were in class. Unfortunately, our teacher heard my Tama. She out-stretched her hand and "kidnapped" my Tama. :angry: Well, our teacher always returned them after class. Alot of other Tamas from my classmates were confiscated as well. :eek: Now I got two and I always carry them to work and my boss and co-workers keep on teasing me that I'm too old for this. . . NOT! :eek: I'm aiming for a Gozarutchi but I'm having trouble since both of my Tamas are girls.

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