How soon should you wait to date again?


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Well-known member
Jul 30, 2009
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This is kind of situational, and also just for discussion. How long do you think people should wait before they get into a relationship? One of my good guy friends started hitting on me and practically asked me out RIGHT after breaking up with his girlfriend (im talking 2 days later).

I like him... i don't know how much, but enough that I would go out with him. I would never go out with him this soon (it's been a week at this point) and I've only been single a little over a month. But i would definetly be interested in a relationship in the future - so how long do you think we should wait??

Once you feel you're ready to start dating again, you should go for it if this is a boy that you like. There's really no set time period. You should take as much or as little time as you need. It all depends on you, since he seems to be okay with it. If this boy really wants to go out with you, he should understand why you want to wait a while.

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Honestly, as soon as youre ready. But starting dating a few hours or days after your break up might get you a reputation as a player :\ That kinda happened to a few people I know. Personally, I'd wait atleast a month.

I think it depends on how long the relationship lasted.

Longer the relationship, longer the waiting period.

If you move on too fast though you'll get a reputation.

And don't be or go for a serial dater.

Tell him you're interested but you'd like to get to know him better before dating him. Keep up the getting to know each other bit until you feel ready for a relationship with him and either wait for him to ask you or be brave and ask him (Asking him is what I did and it's all worked out amazingly)

When you're ready.

Don't date too soon because, like others said, you'll get a rep. Wait a few weeks.

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